HomeOpinionLettersRIP Lance Naik Hanumanthappa Koppad

RIP Lance Naik Hanumanthappa Koppad

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Fate is cruel. God gave him immense strength to survive the severest and the most hostile weather for six days but when the world’s best medical facilities were at his call he did not allow him to survive but snatched him away. But he has given him name that will never fade from the country’s memory and God has made Hanumanthappa Koppad ‘Amar’. Salutations to this great human being, a true martyr a super hero. A very sad end for a valiant soldier. Salute to him. Hope government will adequately compensate his family and also rest nine brave soldiers who lost lives in this expedition.

Even in grief, your family will find solace in a nation sharing that grief with them. They must be cared for and their lifestyle maintained for this man gave up his today for our tomorrow. Like all those in uniform who daily take on the odds, risk their lives and put themselves on the front line so we can sleep safely in our beds. We often forget the sacrifices they make and the unquestioning loyalty they bring to the table. A time to say goodbye and a time to hold close to our hearts the seven-day saga of a man who would not give up. Its time to acknowledge the Indian soldier for his courage and his spirit.

No more words are needed. Even as we bow our heads to the inevitable we can feel the fierceness of the good fight, find some comfort in the bonding that stretched across our country and elevated us from the dross of the daily divisiveness that has become the norm. Godspeed Lance Naik Koppad, we salute you and your comrades with these words.

S. Abhishek Ramaswamy

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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