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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialAAP, show vigilance while giving tickets

AAP, show vigilance while giving tickets

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Kejriwal is aiming for a huge number of members under the ‘Main bhiaamaadmi’ campaign; any citizen can enroll as a member of the party without paying any fee. This is perhaps the first time in the history of India that membership to a party is being opened to public like this. This is the biggest countrywide drive to connect with people before the LokSabha polls. AAP should prove themselves first, they have just implemented some populist measures and are making announcements. We don’t know if they will be successful but these guys are creating more instability than otherwise (stability).
They also launched huge campaign and membership drive in Mumbai, and it was great a success, all young students visited local trains, buses, pitching common public to get enrolled.

Sustained by its remarkable victory in Delhi assembly polls, the AamAadmi Party flexed off a nationwide membership drive with an aim of including at least one crore members by January 26 to reinforce the party ahead of the LokSabha elections. Party leader GopalRai, who has been tasked to oversee the special membership drive, said over 3 lakh people have registered online as party members after the Delhi elections. They also launched a number where any citizen can give a missed call on mobile 07798220033 to enroll as a party member. They can also send SMS of their name, STD code and VidhanSabha name after which they will get their membership number. It’s really praise-worthy that this party has come forward as a nice option for the people of India. Kejriwal said any citizen can give a missed call on mobile number 07798220033 to enroll as a party member.” A brilliant idea, since many mobile owners are not very literate. Incidentally, even illiterate people watch TV and seem to be aware of AAP, even in the poor and remote villages! More surprisingly, they are not fooled by political parties.

Whatever it may be but this new party AAP is sending tremors down the spines of established corrupt parties. In frustration, especially BJP has started hitting AAP below the belt, abusing AAP and howling like self-obsessed children. Congress smartly rendered them support and kept safe. Congress has smartly realised that the waves are anti-Congress, and their defeat is sure. Congress’ strategy is to support AAP where ever they find themselves weak and get them to power, by keeping BJP away from power. The charming ‘new kid on the block AAP’ would make a government and certainly prevent the BJP from getting a majority in the LS. Some say this is the secret weapon in the hands of the Congress party. The AAP has brought about positive change in the country’s political discourse. YogendraYadav has said that the AAP has planned to contest at least 250 to 300 LokSabha seats in 15 to 20 States for testing how far the AAP can go. Instead of digging deep to find water, the AAP seems to be hurriedly planning to dig in different places and in the process may end up creating shallow pits all over. The very reason AAP is here is because of a great deal of anger against the corrupt parties. Moreover Indians see this as a positive change, at the same time, AAP should make sure that the honest and persons with integrity and sincerity towards the country should be allowed to contest for LS polls. It is very easy for dishonest and corrupt people to sneak into AAP in this context. Hence, AAP should show some vigilance and scrutiny while giving ticket for contestants. In the meantime, AAP needs to prove credibility in their governance in Delhi. Priority must be to concentrate on Delhi State Administration. More and more educated individuals should arise on this occasion and come forward for the progress and development of our country.

After all this if AAP comes to power in centre, how will it ensure that corrupt elements won’t infiltrate into its setup? As the party grows, it will become large and unmanageable with numerous power centres.

Everyone knows while Congress and BJP took turns to misgovern India ever since independence for personal or party benefit, endemic and entrenched corruption not only plundered the exchequer but also debased democracy, damaged economy and society, and seriously put at risk the future of current and unborn generations of all Indians – rich and poor alike. Justice cannot exist, even as a value, unless there are just people to defend it. Everyone is therefore morally obliged to defend justice, either individually or as a group. BJP is less corrupt than Congress, however, to save India for current and future generations, citizens need to walk that extra mile and join hands with AAP to BUILD TOGETHER an India fit for the 21st century.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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