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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialBhakts surrender unconditionally to 'God-like Modi' – Part II

Bhakts surrender unconditionally to ‘God-like Modi’ – Part II

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In part one we were discussing Modi worshippers, yes, they are prominently there but there is another side too, which is called selective bias. Haters will always be around no matter whosoever it is. There’s a tendency called ‘Cognitive Bias’ in which people look at the things or judge them from their perspective only rather than looking at the things as they are! It’s not that Modi has flopped as PM but there are remarkable developments worth noticing.

For example, bitter neighbours like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia have become close allies. And the rest are on Checkmate with sheer brute force. He has promoted Clean India and gave broom in the hands of every celebrity, rich and lavish people. Now cleanliness is not prerogative of only safai karmachari, sweepers or class four staff. He made it a point that each one of us including him is responsible for the cleanliness for this nation, which is really a wonderful stand as the head of the nation. Yoga, India’s gift to mankind has international acclaim today and a World Day dedicated to it. Because one man, PM Modi who emphasised the importance of India, its vast cultural heritage upon the entire world and now after decades of being looked down upon as a country of snake charmers, the world is looking up to India as a Super Nation.

Namami Gange, the project to clean Ganga might not have achieved assured success but something has begun to change. We, as Indians, have criminally ignored the stupendous importance of the waters of the Ganges. The waters of the Ganges by its virtues contain Bacteriophage, which is a virus that infects and kills bacteria and that is why the water was always pure. The reason why Gangajal is so important for every Indian ritual, but we chose to pollute it so badly that it has now become imperative to take drastic steps to ensure that the mighty river does not die. It takes a man of intelligence to take up the right project at the right time. How often do we come across a regular person who works 18 hours a day for his own family? He does it, for his country. You might say he is the PM, but has any previous PM done that? To a man who gave a slogan Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas, is it fair that we do not assist him? We crib and complain but yet we expect Acche Din. To take it further, he has also emphasised the need for the association of nations to create a better place to live.

And before you list down your reasons to hate Modi, visit India on a broader scale. The progressive change in rural India can be credited to Narendra Modi too.

One needs to compare the progress of the country on all fronts combined to understand that the fruits that shall be reaped will collectively be gigantic.

To those who cry each day over trivial matters, they have not understood the intricacies of his work because he has taken all the measures together but then when there is an epidemic you need to make that clean sweep. Some good gets swept out too but the disease is definitely eradicated. Yes, few of the previous PMs have done their duties and some have taken few major steps but how many have been able to do it all?

Maybe these are the reasons, the Bhakts, most whom are highly educated, lose their cognisance and intuition when it comes to anything related to their supreme leader and their ulterior dream of establishing a theocratic state. Bhakts are who they are and part and parcel of this society. They not only love their leader but also silently love the serenity of their nation, they go wild and violent when the rights of Hindu’s are at stake because they firmly believe that the nation is for everyone but they, as one majority of the population should not be oppressed under appeasement. They should be given dignity as Hindu’s in Hindustan. They have faith in their religious leaders, whom they feel as custodian and guard of their fundamental rights as majority citizen of the nation. It’s kind of natural that when you ‘like’ a particular thing, your mind becomes biased towards that thing. You will give a number of reasons or I should say your opinions (subjective) as to why that particular thing is good. But when you ‘hate’ a particular thing your mind becomes biased. So basically, you form an opinion regarding that thing on the basis of whether you like it or not. Similarly, in this case, a lot of people just hate Modi because that’s what their opinions regarding him are.

While forming an opinion some people are extremely critical. They consider each and every negative thing and form an opinion on the basis of that. Some people are easy going, so they consider the positive things first and ignore the negative ones and form opinions. Some people form opinions just by listening to the opinions of other people.

Those who hate him will never acknowledge even the good things done by him due to the cognitive bias or should I say due to negative image they have formed about him in their minds and they just don’t want to change it. They just don’t want to believe that Modi is a good PM. On the other notes, people who love him will justify even his wrong deeds. They will defend and justify all his actions. They will not criticise him even if he has done something wrong as they have formed a positive opinion regarding him in their minds and it hurts them to go against it.

Hence, people should be open-minded and they should think rationally about everything by considering all the possible aspects to form an opinion. They should perceive the things as they are rather than looking at the things from their point of view. If Modi is doing something great we should appreciate and acknowledge his efforts. In the end, it’s all about opinions; it’s not good to have a prejudice regarding things, so make sure you form opinions rationally!


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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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