Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeCity NewsBJP-led Centre’s regime similar to Hitler’s fascist model: Yechury

BJP-led Centre’s regime similar to Hitler’s fascist model: Yechury

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CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury said on Sunday the Centre resembles “Hitler’s fascism model” if a parallel is drawn with history, as he accused BJP and RSS of manufacturing the debate on nationalism to serve their agenda of “Hindu rashtra”.

Sitaram Yechury-AV

“An aggressive nationalism debate has been manufactured by the BJP and RSS so that they can force their agenda on the nation. They want to convert a democratic, republic and a secular country into a Hindu rashtra,” he said in Mumbai.

The senior Left leader alleged that nationalistic feelings of people are being misused.

“If a parallel were to be drawn of the present government with history, the present regime resembles (Adolf) Hitler’s fascism model,” he said.

Yechury said the patriotism debate was manufactured for specific reasons as “the government is unable to handle the massive expectations people had. Also, people are grappling with financial stress of which the government can do nothing about”.

He alleged the government intends to let private banks take over their public sector counterparts who, according to conservative estimates, have lost around Rs 6 lakh crore due to non-payment of loans.

“There has been a 26% rise in farmers’ suicides during two years of Modi’s rule. (Crude) oil rates have fallen drastically but consumers have not benefited. There is frustration among people. The government is scared that all this does not transform into an agitation and thus this nationalism debate is created,” he said.

Replying to a query, he said if Jawaharlal Nehru University is compared with its peers, “its contribution in IAS, IFS, IPS is large and people’s money is being used properly”.

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