Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeNationCongress worried over Natwar Singh’s forthcoming book?

Congress worried over Natwar Singh’s forthcoming book?

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The Congress appears to be worried about possible revelations contained in former foreign minister Natwar Singh’s forthcoming autobiography.

Set to be released next month, Singh’s “One Life is Not Enough” is expected to be a no holds barred account of his political career. Given his reputation as being an insider, the book may present explosive details about the workings of Congress governments’ right from Indira Gandhi’s time to that of Manmohan Singh.

Singh, who was once extremely close to the Gandhi family, was forced out of the Congress after he was named in the 2005 Iraq oil scam.

Given possibility that Singh has also revealed details about his equation with Congress president Sonia Gandhi, especially the events that led to his ouster from the party, the Congress may be left embarrassed.

Reports claim that Sonia and her daughter Priyanka had dropped in on him last week to try and convince him against making sensitive details public. For the record, the visit was described as a courtesy call, reports added.

Prior to his fall from grace, Singh was a key advisor to Sonia Gandhi’s key adviser, a member of the Congress Working Committee, besides being a minister in the UPA-1 government.

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