Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNationCrowds throng Nitish Kumar's darbar

Crowds throng Nitish Kumar’s darbar

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A large number of people, mostly from rural areas, turned up at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s ‘janata durbar’ here on Monday, officials said.

After a long break, Nitish Kumar has formally resumed his ‘janata durbar’, the first in his third term as chief minister.
The ‘janata durbar’ was discontinued last year in view of the model code of conduct for the assembly elections.

Nitish Kumar started it in April 2006, about five months after he first came to power. No other chief minister in Bihar had interacted directly with people in this manner.

It was a hit with people, particularly from rural areas, as they thronged the chief minister’s residence in the hope that their grievances would be personally heard and redressed.

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