Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeTop NewsEyeing on Home Department, Sena asks Fadnavis to leave Ministry

Eyeing on Home Department, Sena asks Fadnavis to leave Ministry

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CM Devendra Fadnavis & Sanjay Raut-AV

Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut criticised the BJP government for its inability to safeguard lives of cops after the murder of traffic cop Vilas Shinde. Raut said that if Shiv Sena was in charge of the Home department then attacks on cops would never have occurred. He added that since Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis is also handling the Home portfolio he is unable to oversee it’s functioning effectively as has to manage several other important work. Therefore Shiv Sena should take charge of the department and it should be headed by a person who can devote more time towards it said Raut. The Sena leader added that CM is the right person to take a decision of divesting the portfolios held by him.

Sanjay Raut said, “For averting such incidents mere laws which exist on paper doesn’t work and the person heading the ministry should be strong enough to take necessary action. An independent minister must oversee the functioning of the Home department. The attacks against cops have increased nowadays. Even today, people live in awe of the Shiv Sena, whether we are in power or not.”

Raut said atrocities against cops in Maharashtra are on the rise and this does not augur well for the state. He said, “If such type of assaults are occurring in a city like Mumbai which is known as the financial capital of India then it is unjustified. The common man is already facing huge hardships. However if attacks are occurring on policemen who provide security to people then it is setting a bad precedent in Maharashtra. The morale of police too takes a severe beating if attacks continue against them. Such incidents never used to occur earlier. Today goons are not worried about police and law.”

The incident took place on Tuesday last week when the Constable Vilas Shinde (50) from Bandra traffic division was discharging his duty at a petrol pump when he spotted a biker without helmet approaching the petrol pump.

The biker had indulged in a verbal argument with Shinde when he was asked to produce vehicle documents and the license. The biker then called his 21 year old brother and informed him about the incident. The elder brother identified as Ahmed Mohammad Ali Qureshi reached the spot and attacked the constable from behind on the head with a wooden stick.

Shinde then collapsed and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his colleagues. He passed away on Wednesday afternoon.

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