Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeCity NewsGiving recognition to employees makes them confident in work: Report

Giving recognition to employees makes them confident in work: Report

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Even as receiving recognition is the usual norm, many organisations are now opening channels for employees to give regular recognition to their co-workers and 90 per cent respondents said by doing so they feel more confident in their work, a report has said.

“Those who give recognition at work are more confident in their work. About 90 per cent of employees who noted that they always give recognition to employees feel that their work in the past 12 months has represented significant innovations,” according to an OC Tanner report.

The report also revealed that 94 per cent of employees noted that they always give recognition to co-workers are proud to tell others they work for their organisation.

“There is definitely evidence that employees who give recognition feel more confident.

In this instance, we meant employees are more confident that they are producing great work and that they are more confident in the organisation as a whole when they give recognition more,” OC Tanner Senior Analyst Jordan Rogers said.

OC Tanner conducted the study among 3,496 employees, who were over 18 years working full-time at companies with more than 500 workforce, in multiple countries across four continents, including the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, India, Singapore and Germany.

“Creating opportunities for giving, receiving and observing recognition, and devising a programme that focuses on all three, will help organisations increase employee engagement, wellbeing, innovation, work results and revenue,” the report said.

It said by giving recognition more often, employees not only feel more secure in their present circumstances, but are also more optimistic about their future.

The report said that about 89 per cent agree that giving recognition creates a better company culture, while 79 per cent said the giver works harder after they recognise another’s achievement.

75 per cent respondents felt that giving recognition makes them want to stay at their current organisation longer.

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