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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialGood education in India has its own challenges

Good education in India has its own challenges

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Education in India has become a business nowadays. Government schools are a joke with no quality teachers, no facilities and private schools’ fees are so high that poor or middle class people can’t afford this education for their children. Students are forced either by their parents or even school teachers to join their private tuitions. Children of age 5–6 who are just in 1st standard are going to private tuitions why do such young age kids need extra classes apart from school? They have barely started their education and they are forced into brutal competition that certainly kills talent in them, as they don’t get enough time to explore other activities that will help them determine their talent and passion. Though, there are state governments like Delhi and Maharashtra are trying to bring some change in government and municipality schools but those efforts are not collectively enough. The coaching classes and private schools are mushrooming in each corner.

Once you pass 10th /12th exams, there comes the expectations of parents as they compare yourself with other relatives and rest of the society. Indian mindset is if you are an Engineer or Doctor, you will make a good career and become rich. Of course it is a good career but only if you are passionate enough for that knowledge and challenges. People in India don’t care for passion, some even don’t know what their passion is, are only concerned about salary package they would get after earning a degree. In terms of education system, more emphasis is given for theoretical knowledge rather it should be 50–50 for theory and practical. No encouragement for research or whatsoever. Apart from big institutions like IIT where some active research happens, even though not up to the standards of top universities in the world like MIT or Stanford, other colleges and universities are just useless. People have to pay lakhs for such low-grade education.

In India, people are too job oriented. To have a settled life you either need to be an engineer or a doctor. Other professions doesn’t bring money and hence they can’t settle in their life quickly. So, most of the parents force their children to either pursue engineering or MBBS. There are other fields that should be looked into and secured job opportunities in various fields are very much essential.

People in India are driven by need and not by passion. Most people don’t even know what their passion is and they are forced by the circumstances to pursue uninterested courses. Schools play a key role in determining a person’s passion. Schools in India don’t stress on the fact that one should take their hobby seriously. Scope for research in India is in miserable condition apart from IISC and IITs, other institutes have no idea about investing on research. Why does USA do cutting edge stuff? Why thousands of Indians opt for foreign universities every year?  Because those countries have realised how important research is towards one’s nation. India has its difficulties in improving the educational system. Resource crunch is one of the major issues. Take for example, the amount of funds needed to have good schools, in all the villages, with good building, furniture and well-trained teachers. The buildings, furniture, or trained teachers, are sufficient enough to facilitate the students to study properly. In addition, the poverty conditions of many families do not allow them to send their children to the school, if any.

The government should take initiative on priority basis, to clean up the system in primary education. Providing toilets and gas connection to the poor are good decisions, but it is equally important to have good buildings and good teachers, with all other connected amenities. The amount of budget allotment, and its full utilisation, has to be closely watched by genuine and efficient authorities.

Full employment or social security scheme, may solve this problem to a great extent. Only country’s progress can give an answer to this.

None of the selection process for higher education is properly engineered. Primary education up to the high school level, has been neglected for poor and low income groups, under the cover of free education. This has resulted in sending these children to higher education, unprepared, which also results in producing educationally qualified, but unemployable labour force.

Different states have different styles and standards of education in schools, including valuation of examination papers. This results in many students entering higher education without sufficient knowledge. Many higher education institutions have uniform syllabus nationally, but at the school level, both the syllabus, as well as standards are different.

In contemporary India, the education system has become an object of hate. The aim of education is not fulfilled due to livelihood. Students of high schools, colleges, and universities always think about employment. They want to have a job by hook or by crook using unfair means in the examination. Over 80 per cent students are ready to satisfy the appointment authorities by giving hush money. Bribery has become the discipline or virtues in Modern India. No government offices are free from bait. Before Mandal Commission caste was in dormant but after its implementation it wholly came on the surface of the social current. For the sake of votes, all political parties made it a Natural Rights for SC, ST, OBC , etc. On account of these anti-social privileges, the Indian education system has really become the subject of hate and for it government is responsible. There are many such issues that are not addressed from ages.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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