Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeNationHeavy rains kill 70 in Gujarat; flood alert in Kashmir

Heavy rains kill 70 in Gujarat; flood alert in Kashmir

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Gujarat-floodWith Monsoon setting over in many parts of the country, incessant rains have swollen many rivers and created flood-like situation in the states of Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir.

Heavy rains across Jammu and Kashmir have brought back the fears of last year’s devastating floods, which caused extensive damage to life and property.

The Jhelum river, which caused havoc last September, is flowing above the danger mark prompting the authorities to sound high alert in Anantnag and Pulwama districts.

The level of the river at Sangam in Anantnag district was 26.80 ft, which is above the danger mark, while it was 19.80 ft at Ram Munshibagh in Srinagar city at 8 am, also above the danger mark.

Jammu-Srinagar highway has been closed due to heavy rainfall.

At least 70 people died due to heavy rains and flood like situation which prevails in Saurashtra and south Gujarat since the last 24 hours.

Gujarat’s Amreli district is the worst affected as 36 people died in the flood fury on Wednesday.

Yesterday’s depression over Gujarat region has moved northeastwards and weakened into a low pressure area over northwest Madhya Pradesh and adjoining south Uttar Pradesh as of today morning.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has said that that isolated heavy rain fall is forecast for next 24 hours at many places in Gujarat, Konkan, Goa, Saurashtra and Kutch regions.

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