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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialIt’s time BJP behaves like an organisation

It’s time BJP behaves like an organisation

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With the beginning of the Election arena, 2018 was the last year for Modi rule, as this year will be the year of general elections 2019, most probably in the month of April or May. The two major national parties – BJP and Congress — will be locking horns in this 17th general election for securing a majority of seats in the lower house. The Modi government had targeted for two continuous terms and the way they were making clean sweeps in the state elections initially, was a proof of the Modi wave. But, the recent Gujarat elections and the uprisings in different parts of the country against the ‘Pro-Hindutva government’ show a very different side of the coin. BJP is currently ruling in 19 states with or without an alliance. But when it comes to public preview, let it be the state or centre, people know only one name and that is Modi.

The recent state election results were a jolt for BJP and now they have forced the party to introspect where it went wrong and what could have been the right approach. As far as Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are concerned, the BJP was under power for the last 15 years. So, the question arises that what went wrong with them? Shivraj, with a never die attitude, even gathered more votes than Congress is travelling across and is still a beloved leader in the state. Raman Singh, who curbed down the Maoists in Chhattisgarh and took it to the growth path, made a quiet exit. Actually, what I understood is that BJP as a party is not working as an organisation. Please refer to all the rallies done by Modi in these elections. He talked about the electrification done by the central government, gas connections given to the poor, toilets made, houses made for the poor, highways made, insurance scheme introduced for the farmers, and so on. All credit goes to the central government. Not a single credit they claimed for their state governments and this is where I believe BJP needs to introspect. Be it Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, or Rajasthan, all these state governments were performing. These state governments performed very well but they got no credit or mention. It is always Modi and maybe this is a reason that the party has left a doubt in the minds of the voters that other than Modi, there is no one to perform in the party.

But the entire party and its leaders were seen, as it was one man who did all and that was Prime Minister Modi. He and only he was the performer who made all these miracles happen.

Now, look into this scenario with an organisational perspective. How can a leader perform until and unless his team is not performing? A leader is a leader because he has already performed and excelled but the team needs to be credited wherever due. However, that seems to be lacking in BJP. All these CMs while addressing rallies were praising the PM. The PM himself while addressing the masses was telling them what the central government has done so far. No one talked about these regional CMs or leaders while addressing people and that’s where they lacked in my view. Local cadres and people are more motivated by their local leaders rather than the national heads, the one who sits on the top. A person living in Madhya Pradesh will anyway be more influenced by Shivraj rather than the PM. If only PM could have tweeted enough or talked enough about him that what he did for his state in the last 15 years, it could have been a different scenario. It goes with Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan too. BJP needs to realise that it’s a cadre-based party, unlike Congress where it’s pre-decided who’s going to lead the party. After Nehru, it was Indira and people knew that. After Indira, it was Sanjay or Rajiv and people knew that too. After Rajiv, it was Sonia or Rahul and people knew this. After Rahul, people know that it will be some Vadra; however, for BJP, this is altogether a different game. No one knows whom after Modi? “WHO” is one big question for BJP and its supporters! You will find no answers because there has been no evaluation of his team. It’s only Modi who’s being evaluated. Whether he performed, whether he didn’t — all credit goes to him or all discredit.

It’s time BJP changes this scenario. Remember Indira is India and India is Indira? This same is happening with BJP. Modi is BJP and BJP is Modi. It’s time that Modi starts giving credit to his team members where it’s due. We’ve seen many performing and non-performing ministers in his cabinet. If we talk about performers, India needed leaders like Nitin Gadkari and Piyush Goyal. Actually, both these Ministers have outperformed their predecessors. Be it highways, infrastructure, and inland waterways, Nitin Gadkari has done a commendable job. Similarly, Piyush Goyal when it comes to Railways and electrification. But see their tweets, statements, and PM’s remarks. Either they are giving all the credits to the leadership of ‘Shri Modi’ or ‘Modi Ji’ taking credits for the job they have done. Giving credit to people who deserve is needed. Create a second strong line of leadership so that the voters and the cadres are aware who’s going to lead them in future. Remember since Advani was not promoted or seen as parallel to Vajpayee, BJP had to sit in Opposition for 10 long years even if there was a weak and underperforming government of Congress as they say. So, the saffron party needs to learn from its own past. It’s high time that BJP should promote the hard-working people. It’ll not only motivate the workers but the leaders too. Moreover, there will be competitions to perform which in turn will not only bring good to BJP and Modi but also to the nation as well.

If BJP wants to continue its victory, then they have to keep these points in mind. Moreover, the latest election results were alarming call to remind BJP to not take Congress lightly. The complicated bills like GST and Demonetisation have raged public against the government. Not only the national party, the regional parties too can pose threat to the BJP government, which they should not ignore. Whereas Hardik Patel and Jignesh Mevani exhibit the power of regional ties, the NDA is losing its grip on some of its regional ties like Shiv Sena in Maharashtra. So, BJP must beware of Regional coalitions. No doubt Modi is a big brand name in the Indian politics, but it should also remember the dynamics of Indian politics.


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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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