Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeNationJ-K: Two NC workers killed, one injured in terror attack

J-K: Two NC workers killed, one injured in terror attack

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Two National Conference (NC) workers were killed and one was injured in a terror attack which took place in Srinagar’s Karfalli Mohalla on Friday.

Confirming the same, Senior Superintendent of Police Imtiaz Ismail Parray said further investigation in the matter is underway.

In the wake of the attack, National Conference (NC) leader Omar Abdullah, while condemning the incident, expressed condolences to the families of the deceased workers and prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured worker.

“I cannot condemn strongly enough the murderous terrorist attack against three of my party workers. Nazir Ahmed Bhat (working in the office of MLA Shamima Firdous) & Mushtaq Ahmed Wani have been killed. Allah Jannat naseeb karey,” he tweeted.

“Shakeel Ahmad Zangoo has been injured & is in hospital. I pray for his complete & speedy recovery. May the families of Nazir, Mushtaq & Shakeel find strength in this most difficult time,” another tweet read.

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti also expressed grief over the incident.

“Pained to hear about the killing of two NC workers. My heart goes out to their families & children. Cannot possibly imagine what they must be going through,” she tweeted.

Further details pertaining to the attack are awaited.

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