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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialNever ending HATE between Hindu and Muslims

Never ending HATE between Hindu and Muslims

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These days there is a very unpleasant news about the dilemma of ‘Hindus’ in Pakistan. If Muslims from Bangladesh, who are impecunious are fleeing to India, these illegal immigrants are given every facility and privilege here. But Hindus in minority are treated like wasted creatures in Pakistan. BJP has been shouting on top of its voice for Pakistani Hindu’s safety and illegal migrants to be vacated from India! These Hindus from Pakistan coming to India should be welcomed by India. Congress, as usual, is freaking with its double standards. The party is happy to protect and shelter illegal migrants for vote bank politics and has no concern for Hindus in Pakistan. Anyways, the HATE between India and Pakistan will be breathing forever. Also, there has been a serious attempt at increasing the HATE proportion in this country for the last one week using the terrorist religious organisations, both from the Hindu and Muslim community! Looking at the present scenario, the Pakistan Government should pass the motion seriously to look into the root cause-not the effect of why Pak Hindus are forced to migrate and solve those issues. If Pakistan uses force to stop their migration out of the country, it would only result in Pak’s pants further slipping downward in front of the global community and lead to social and political chaos. Illegal migrants are never supported anywhere in the world other than India or some other country. There is a lot of difference in what happens in Assam and what happens in Mumbai.

Why are Muslims not protesting the killing of the people of their own religion in Syria Yemen Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq as it is ok for them if their own people die?  When a non-believer kills their people they make noise. Recently in Mumbai for no major reason, some Muslim group caused the desecration. These mobs have far crossed the line by damaging the Amar Jawan monument. They do not have any sense of right and wrong, it is still beyond my understanding why Indian Muslims put their religion before the nation. They possibly do not have the Nation in their list of priorities. What happened after that? Just mere apologies for the Muslim leaders and warning to hooligans is not enough to solace the sentiments of fellow countrymen. Violence by anybody is equally condemnable. However, the difference is that the issues raised by them were genuine and that is why the Shiv Sena and the MNS have taken control together around 20-25 per cent vote share in Maharashtra. In contrast, what were the Muslims in Mumbai agitating for? They were not perturbed about the lack of infrastructure in Mumbai, crowded trains, price-rise, lack of educational and employment opportunities to Muslims. All these are valid issues. Instead, they went on a rampage on an issue totally unconnected with Mumbai. The Maharashtrian populace bears the burden of guilt for allowing them to be led over the cliff by scandalous governments. It is truly alarming that nothing causes outrage among the common people any more. A mass uprising and a rise in awareness is what is needed among the dormant middle-class to get the state and its politicians to be accountable to the populace.

I am not saying that Hindus have never created any violence; look at recent incidences in Delhi, but it was always a reaction for action by other communities. But a Hindu protest does not include hoisting the Pakistani flag or desecration of the Army Memorial. Another reason for their protest was ill-treatment of Muslims in Myanmar. So burn policemen here in protest? It was the ordinary policeman who took a bullet to stop Kasab. It is time the pain of our ordinary heroes is also understood. These events do not happen spontaneously, there is a clear-cut plan and more often than not you will see the source finally leads to organisations that come from a neighbourhood land.  Friction between Hindus and Muslims in India is not new but the changing face of terror is a matter of concern. There are certain preparatory to maintain the HATE between these religions to grow.

During the partition, many Sindhis who were angry with the Mahatma for giving their birthplace to Pakistan did not want to come back to India and all migrated overseas and most of them are wealthy now. Many Sindhis who came to India are also doing well. The ones who stayed back in Pakistan got the whipping. They paid terribly for their grandfather’s misjudgment. Pakistan’s fanatic mentality is not going to change ever. Hindus and Christians should flee from Pakistan if they want to see light in their lives. Life is short. The world is too big. Why choose to live in a hell-like Pakistan. All these check post stopping is a drama. In their hearts, they want minorities to leave the country who do not want to convert. Tears were streaming down people’s faces as they stepped off the Samjhauta Express recently in India. Whether they were tears of relief on feeling safe on Indian soil or pain on being compelled to leave what was once their homeland, one couldn’t tell. Hindus are in real trouble in Pakistan especially in upper Sindh and Balochistan. Since it is suffocating, many decided to leave Pakistan forever and move to India after selling their houses. Enumerating the reasons why many Hindus feel unsafe in Pakistan is forcible conversions, atrocities, kidnappings, extortions- it is all happening and that is why Hindus there want to migrate.

There are many who want to come to India from Pakistan. But Muslims in India are treated here with special constitutional rights. I am forced to say that Muslims who choose to live here should definitely show their good intentions/deeds as India’s citizens and not join Pak’s college unions and parties, the minute they leave India. However, we all know that most of India’s Muslims are good honest folks as happy or as miserable, as poor or as rich as similar Hindus. The condition of minorities in India is far better than any other country in the world. Compare the situation of minorities in Burma, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, France, etc and etc with India. India is great; it has been a great example of humanity for thousands of years. It saved religion and life of paresis of Iran. It gave shelter to Tibetans. You and we should be proud to be a part of this great country. If you look at Burma, the majority is killing the Muslims. In China, fasting during the Ramzan period has been banned for Muslim government employees and students. In Pakistan, persecution of Hindus and Sikhs. Same is also happening in Afghanistan. In France, women cannot wear Hizab. We all know in India that everyone is free to practice any religion. Our country does not pressurise anyone to do or don’t practice any religious rituals. It is our responsibility to respect all those things that we got from our country.

Islam is a religion where non-believers are called kafirs and any person coming from a religion other than Islam are non-believers. All Paki political parties are characterised by an intense hatred for non-Muslim minorities. Hindus are soft targets in Pakistan. Once a Hindu has gone, it will be difficult for the follower of the evil cult to give up the habit. They will change the target to another section. It’s better for Hindus to migrate to India in bulk and see peacefully the destruction of evil cult. It will be destroyed sooner than anyone can think of. Seventy years of Independence but still our fellow Indians are facing the heat of partition.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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