Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNationNo reduction in terms of troops deployed at borders, says SS Deswal

No reduction in terms of troops deployed at borders, says SS Deswal

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BSF, SS Deswal, Deswal

BSF Director-General SS Deswal on Wednesday said that alertness continues to be there at borders as no reduction has been made from border deployment.

Deswal has an additional charge of DG BSF apart from being the DG ITBP.

Speaking to ANI, Deswal said that while forces are serving the needy amid the prevailing situation in the country, the border deployment has not been affected in any manner.

“Complete alertness is there at the borders. There has been no reduction in terms of troops deployed at the borders,” he said.

Deswal informed that on orders of the central government, BSF units have been deployed in different states to help the local administration during the lockdown in the wake of COVID-19.

Instructions have been issued to all formations of BSF that leave of personnel, who are already on leave, should be extended up to April 21. To avoid any communication gap, they are telephonically informed.

Similar instructions have been given for the training centres where training programmes were already running and due to terminate in coming days.

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