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HomeTop News‘Note Pe Charcha’

‘Note Pe Charcha’

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Sanjay Nirupam will preside over this function to discuss about the hardships faced by the common man due to demonetisation.


The Mumbai Regional Congress Committee (MRCC) is planning to organise ‘Note Pe Charcha’ campaign on November 22 to protest against the Modi government’s decision of demonetising 500 and 1000 rupee notes. MRCC President Sanjay Nirupam will preside over the function to discuss about the hardships faced by the common man after the government stopped the circulation of high denomination notes. People have to stand in queue outside banks for exchanging or depositing their hard earned money. They are also running short of money to buy essential commodities required in day to day life. People possessing Rs 2000 note have to buy more quantities of a commodity as shopkeepers are not offering change to them. Even shopkeepers are finding it difficult to run their business smoothly as few customers are turning up at shops to buy commodities.

“After the demonetisation drive 37 people have lost their lives. We will interact with people and discuss about the flawed policies of government at market, outside banks, railway stations. We will also discuss about how the Modi government’s demonetisation drive has adversely affected the lives of people. Many marriages have either been called off or postponed due to shortage of money. People are even denied treatment at hospitals after demonetisation,” said Sanjay Nirupam.

“The businesses of diamond merchants, jewellery, retail, hotels, health care, home appliances, pharma sector and leather have been adversely affected. Therefore there has been a sharp rise in unemployment rates. PM Modi has said that he had taken this step to curb corruption. If he was serious about eliminating black money then why did the government introduce Rs 2,000 note in the market as it will generate more unaccounted wealth in the country. Before demonetising, the Modi government had tipped about it to business men and ministers as they could convert their black money into legal tender. The common man has to bear the brunt of currency note ban,” he added.

According to Mr. Nirupam this situation will prevail till seven months as only 300 notes can be printed by the machine. On the other hand, the nation requires at least Rs 2,300 crores for maintaining liquidity. It will take seven months to print such a huge volume of currency and the situation is not likely to improve soon.

The government has already waived off  the loan lent to Vijay Mallya. Modi has spent Rs 25 crores for campaigning prior to Lok Sabha polls.

From November 18 onwards only amount up to Rs 2,000 can be replaced in the bank. Due to this decision the nation is heading towards financial anarchy. The government is only creating hardships for the common man. Some people had carried biscuits and water bottles with them while standing queue.

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