Aam Aadmi Party on Saturday declared that “they might come up with a ‘Zero Bill’ scheme of electricity in Gujarat as well after Delhi and Punjab but the opposition does not think in the same manner and they have stated it is only done to prove their political agenda.
Some leaders of the Aam Aadmi party have claimed that schools in Gujarat do not have the proper infrastructure nor teachers are paid well in those government schools in Gujarat.
Arvind Kejriwal has visited Gujarat ahead of the elections for this year and the Aam Aadmi Party on social media has posted a new tweet in which it states “A person came with an electricity bill of Rs 3500. An old bill of Rs 70,000 has also been stopped while a fan is running. Bill asks for 10,000 bribes to fix it. We made Bijli Free and the electricity bill was waived in Delhi-Punjab. Bill Zero may come in Gujarat too” said in Hindi.
On the issue of ‘Zero Bill,’ a member of the Aam Aadmi Party Dhananjay Shinde said that “We are doing this for poor people of the society because it’s not only about the people who can afford the expense of electricity but there are some other people as well who are still struggling and not able to pay the higher bills of the electricity in the state.”
Though AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal is trying to get into the politics of Gujarat the opposition has different perceptions of it and they believe that it won’t be able to make any place in Gujarat. When we spoke to the opposition leaders if the “Zero Bill” comes in Gujarat after which a BJP leader Kirit Solanki told Afternoon Voice, “We don’t react to these people’s talks and they are completely a waste.”
Prabhubhai Vasava, Member of the Parliament told Afternoon Voice, “Zero bill is not possible in the state. How will he pay taxes to the government and how will the state function with the ‘Zero Electricity Bill’? These are only false promises for the election.
Aam Aadmi Party leader Som Dutt said, “Electricity is the basic need and this why the scheme has come and apart from that we would also work on other sectors which is education, health and other facilities for the people.”
BJP leader Mitesh Patel said, “When they are not able to come with Zero Bills in Delhi and Punjab then it won’t happen in Gujarat as well. They are all lying about it and their tricks won’t work in Gujarat.”