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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialPM Modi should speak the truth with courage

PM Modi should speak the truth with courage

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We are not surprised when Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India because the image of the Congress was in shambles in spite of Manmohan Singh steering the India’s economy to a comfortable position. In five years, other than attending his own Darbari media interview or staged public gatherings, PM Narendra Modi could not dare to attend any other press conferences. He’s afraid that he’ll be asked thorough questions on the economy, on his incessant campaigning, on his travel budget, on his silence, etc. Press conferences could be hastening his downfall. He likes one-way communication. He believes that only he has something valuable to say and that hearing others’ opinions is pointless. If someone is allowed to ask him something, they could be his mouthpiece media or the people whom he follows on Twitter. In India, BJP’s IT-propaganda team praises Modi as a world leader. He gets due recognition because he is the PM of India and not because of his personal qualities.

A showman that he is, he makes it appear that he is the center of attraction, unlike Manmohan Singh who is suave, soft-spoken, and shy. In reality, he gets more attention from the foreign leaders both because of his personal credentials and because of him being the PM of India. The bear-hugs of PM Modi so discomfited the world leaders that he stopped hugging them anymore! The bear-hugs are meant for the Indian audience. No leader in the world sees him as a statesman but a politician. He is a crowd-puller in the foreign lands. Yes, it is the crowd of Indian Diaspora, not any foreign dignitaries or scholars; he has nothing for them.

PM Narendra Modi is not merely overvalued; he is also worshipped, rather madly, by the obsessed ones and by the people who are carried away by his rhetoric and demagoguery. As a worker of a party with no formal education but programmed with party ideology of hatred and reprisal, one would become street-smart and in no way would become a seasoned leader. It is claimed that $450 billion worth MoUs were signed during Vibrant Gujarat in 2011; facts are that the FDI for that year was Rs 30.38 billion for the entire country. Also, the RBI reports speak otherwise: Gujarat is the fifth in cumulative FDI investments over the same period leading one to believe that either PM Modi was overstating the figures or a significant portion of the promised investments didn’t come through which contradicts his claim of a highly business-friendly environment. He promises sky but delivers the dust.

The PM promised 2 crore jobs a year; he also promised to bring back black money stashed abroad to India; he promised action against those who own black money. So far, nothing happened! He did not even disclose the names of the Indians who hoarded money abroad. The 2016 Panama Papers scandal is the largest-ever leak of information on black money in history. The list of names exposed in the scandal includes 500 prominent Indians who flouted rules and regulations. His ‘Make in India’ badly failed.

BJPians brag that Pakistan is afraid, China is scared, and Bangladesh is shivering, all because of PM Modi. They say so many absurd things. The only thing they have not said yet is that Modi has levelled the Himalayas and marched Indian Army to Beijing upon which the Chinese Premier is on his knees. In Doklam, the fact that China made Indian Army withdrew first did not get coverage in the media. His cavalier attitude towards Nepal drove it into the arms of China. Russia and Pakistan are warming up to each other. In recent years, the ties between Russia and Pakistan have warmed because of India’s over leaning towards the United States; the two countries carried out their first-ever joint military drills in 2016, despite Indian requests to postpone. In the international arena, the only strong friend India earned is Israel but is losing many. In 2016, India carried out surgical strikes after 18 soldiers were killed in an attack on the Uri base in Kashmir. The surgical strike of Indian Army has been hailed as the masterstroke of PM Modi that baffled and instilled fear in Pakistan. However, the fact does not support this claim. More than 450 ceasefire violations have happened along the LoC since the surgical strike in PoK. This means that the 2003-ceasefire agreement no longer exists. Pulwama is another disaster, which was glorified by the Modi supporters as a fitting reply to Pakistan. Indian Army has lost nearly 100 soldiers in Kashmir since the surgical strike. Before the surgical strike, 38 soldiers had died in 2016 in Kashmir. On the other hand, the Army has killed nearly 180 terrorists since surgical strike compared to about 100 in the preceding one year which signifies that infiltration of terrorist is on the rise. A routine military action was made out to be a great attack on Pakistan.

Under PM Modi, Secularism has been disparaged and strategically degraded terming it as a vote-appeasement tactic and human and civil rights advocates portrayed as sympathisers of terrorists. In top gear attempt to enforce the fundamental version of high-caste predominance packaged as Hindu nationalism.

  • Amid overhype and propaganda by the IT cell, He is yet to explain the following things.
  • How can GST help small and mediocre traders, shop owners, etc.?
  • How much black money has his government recovered after the implementation of demonetisation?
  • Why did Aadhaar card, which was a threat to privacy, suddenly become everything?
  • When will all Indians get Rs 15 lakhs deposited in their bank accounts?
  • Where are 10 crore jobs which he promised (till the end of his 5 years in the government).
  • Why was India not able to recognise the potential of Raghuram Rajan but now He is the contender for the Head of “Bank of England”.
  • Why did four senior judges of the Supreme Court suddenly come between common people and asked us to save democracy?
  • Why does everyone who questions the present government instantly become anti-national?

Why was he quick to respond to the fitness challenge given by eminent persons of India but took more than six days to respond on rapes and another critical issue?

I know that he will not answer such awkward questions because he doesn’t have the courage to speak the truth. He gets irritated when the media asks tough questions. The incumbent government has successfully made patriotism a brand. The government has become the ambassador of that brand. Anyone who doesn’t fall in line with them has to be branded as anti-nationalists and a threat to Modi and BJP.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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