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HomeNationSwamy warned against ‘unnecessarily provoking’ opposition MPs

Swamy warned against ‘unnecessarily provoking’ opposition MPs

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Subramanian Swamy, who triggered huge protests from Congress on Thursday over his attempts to drag Sonia Gandhi in the AgustaWestland helicopter row, again made some controversial remarks in Rajya Sabha on Thursday, which the Chair immediately expunged and warned him of action for “unnecessarily provoking” members on the other side.

subramanian_Sonia-AVExpunging Swamy’s reference to the Constitution of another country that triggered vociferous protests from Congress members, deputy chairman PJ Kurien also ordered media not to report the remarks.

In a major ‘revelation’, Swamy has claimed that he knows that where Congress president Sonia Gandhi had stashed money which she received as bribe in AgustaWestland VVIP chopper deal.

“Sonia Gandhi did receive bribe money; she stashed it in Geneva’s Sarasin Bank,” claims Subramanian Swamy.

“A part of bribe money received by Sonia Gandhi was also deposited in Pictet Bank,” Swamy added during a conversation with ABP News.

“Now, Enforcement Directorate (ED) must probe the bribe matter of Sonia Gandhi on the basis of these Sarasin Bank and Pictet Bank details,” Swamy demanded.

He was countered on this by the opposition to which he responded by dragging the name of another country, a reference that led to agitated Congress members rushing into the Well.

Kurien said he was expunging the reference to the Constitution of another country but that did not satisfy the Congress members who continued to shout slogans against Swamy.

The BJP MP, who took oath only on Monday, insisted that since his name has been taken by another member, he has a right to reply and again went on to refer to the country, drawing sharp rebuke from the Chair.

“I will take action against you. Subramanian Swamy you are unnecessarily provoking. I will have to take action against you… you are provoking,” Kurien said.

Observing that what Swamy said would not go on record, he said “what has been expunged should not be reported by media.”

Congress members sought action against Swamy with Jairam Ramesh saying he was “needling and provoking” by bringing in reference to another country. “This is deliberate.”

With Congress members continuing to protest, Kurien asked them to return to their seats and said it was a deliberate attempt to subvert the Zero Hour.

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