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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialUP horror again proved Modi govt’s 'Beti Bachao' a big flop

UP horror again proved Modi govt’s ‘Beti Bachao’ a big flop

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The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is busy with the Lord Rama politics because the state government’s priorities now are building tall statues of men long gone and Gods. But they are not sticking to their promises made to the daughters of India. The most lawless state Uttar Pradesh has evolved as hell. A teenager was gang-raped by a hospital worker and four others in the ICU in Bareilly’s hospital. After she was bitten by a snake while working in the family farm, she was admitted in the ICU and she was struggling between life and death. The girl was gang-raped and the hospital staff had no clue what is happening to the patient in the ICU. If the hospitals are also not safe in UP, then where would a common person go? The hospitals must give written undertaking that female patients will not be ‘RAPED’ in its agreement papers. How come the patient in the ICU was left unattended? The girl was the only patient in the ICU when she was gang-raped. The girl told her grandmother that a man in uniform and four others walked into the ICU when she was alone at night. They tried to forcefully give her an injection and when she fought with them, the men gagged her, tied her hands, and raped her. Her grandmother raised an alarm and complained to the doctors about the incident and the hospital authorities called the police.

Two weeks ago, a ward boy and a medical student were arrested for allegedly raping a nursing student while she was admitted to a hospital in Uttar Pradesh’s Bagpat. The 17-year-old student was raped at midnight, when her sister, who was attending on her, had gone out to get tea. The accused took the nursing student to the emergency room on the pretext of running some tests and injected her with a sedative and raped her.

Nearly 2,00,000 women and children are currently missing in India. Looking back at the latest data available, in 2016, India recorded 106 rapes a day and four out of every 10 victims were minors. Another shocking fact that the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)’s “Crime in India 2016” report reveals is that in 94.6 per cent cases, the culprits were none other than the victim’s kinsfolk including brothers, fathers, grandfathers, sons, or acquaintances. The report showed that in the year 2016, a total of 38,947 cases of rape were registered in the country under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) as well as Section 376 and other related sections of the Indian Penal Code. Among these 38,947 cases, in 36,859 matters, accused are related to the victims. 2018 has gotten worse for the children in India. Kids are supposed to be safeguarded. They’re supposed to have a childhood spent but in India, children are scared and they should be.

How do you equip children to protect themselves? How do you protect a child? The situation in India is quite grim. India’s conviction rate for rape, at 25.5 per cent, remains low compared to all cognisable crimes – those that do not require a magistrate’s permission to investigate – under the Indian Penal Code (46.9 per cent in 2015). Declining conviction rate in rape cases ordinarily means a lesser number of registered cases could be proved in the court, and this gives rise to the suspicion that maybe false cases are also being registered. Children are killed, pushed into flesh trade, used for porn, forced into begging, if not missing then they are raped in their homes, school, playgrounds whichever place possible. Nothing could really stop crime against a girl child and woman in India. In 2015 alone, some 73,242 women have gone missing (until September) of which only 33,825 have been traced so far. That translates to roughly 270 women going missing every day. After adding the backlog from last year, the number of women who are still untraced in India as of 2015 stood at 1,35,356.

In India you ask any girl child, young or old woman, they would tell you at least one incidence of outrage. Every female of this country has one story to share about humiliation, molestation (direct-indirect), assault, and sometimes even brutal abuse. Directly or indirectly, everyone in this country is abused at one point in time. What more one needs to understand the fate of female in this country and how long one has to live with this insecurity? Sometimes they go missing, sometimes they are pushed in horror or they are raped and murdered. In spite of living in so much of moral custody, no one can guarantee her the safety or the dignity. What kind of country we are living in and what kind of representatives we are electing for our welfare.

Hope we gear up now!


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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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