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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeEditorialWe, the Slaves of Independent India

We, the Slaves of Independent India

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After Gandhiji was shot dead, there is still a debate; some think it as a reaction for the action taken during India-Pak separation. Lakhs of innocent lives were sacrificed for no reason and that was the first brutal communal riot under the Congress rule after independence. Even today, Nathuram Godse is labeled as a Hindu terrorist and Gandhi’s killing is labeled as the first terror activity. Why did Godse kill Gandhi? I think that’s a fair question to ask before labeling him a madman? By saying this, I am not endorsing Gandhi’s killing but just putting across a thought that the extreme of everything ends with tragedy and disaster. Hindustan got its freedom with separation and innocent killings and there started the Congress rule and communal violence. Gandhiji’s one decision ruined the peace of this country and between the two communities even today.

Though, even during his last moments, Gandhiji was in favour of peace and intolerance. Today, many of us have become intolerant towards others’ point of view. At least we should introspect on what principles our country’s freedom was based on and where we are heading today, instead of blindly mimicking the West in everything. Stop praising or criticising someone blindly; none of the principles or philosophies suggested by Gandhi was his own. As the situation permitted then, he advised people to behave. We actually don’t know what forced him to take such drastic decision of dividing the country; if this decision wouldn’t have been taken then, no separation issues ever erupted in India.

Now, there is no one like Mahatma to guide the country or the Congress, there is a severe leadership crunch. None can inspire us with their oration and lead the countrymen; people during the times of Nehru and Gandhiji were indeed fortunate to have leaders like them or we are seeing a better leader than them, is still a debate! Whatever may be said about Nehruji, there is no denying that he was a great orator and his ability to put together a few sentences that make at once both a lasting impact, as well as a pithy pen-picture of the matter at hand, is nonpareil. Where have all such orators gone, those who could inspire with just the spoken word? We have no politician alive today in India who can match Nehruji in this area and on the world stage, perhaps, only Barack Obama comes close.

We are the fourth generation after Mahatma’s death that talks volumes about his words and deeds. Mahatma is the most loved and hated freedom fighter of this country. Gandhi’s deeds are the noblest and place him on the top of the world leaders. India’s rich culture is emboldened through the lives of such towering personalities. A pain undertaken by Gandhi during his lifetime are immeasurable today but so is the pain Indians bear in coping to live amidst the directions of today’s leaders. On the other hand, what Godse spoke after the assassination of Gandhi should also be published and emphasised everywhere. Then perhaps, he can be condemned unanimously by one and all to the hell, but before that he derives an explanation. Gandhiji was really greatest among the leaders of the Indian freedom struggle, especially due to his broad mindedness to forgive others, by which he was elevated to the divine level and his life was the living example of the dictum. At the same time, it is easy to criticise Mahatma but it is very difficult to raise our lives to the spiritual heights of pardoning everyone for everything instantly. There were many freedom fighters like Godse, Savarkar, and Tilak who were labeled as extremists at that time, just because they were not buying Gandhiji’s peace approach by dividing this country. Nehru was born with a silver spoon, however, Gandhi had his own good time, and there were many rich and prosperous freedom fighters with their own political ambitions at that time. However, people like Lala Lajpatrai, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Sardar Patel, and Sarojini Naidu were given back seat when it came to ruling the country. Anyways, that era of politics was much more polluted and was on the line of dynasty rule.

Savarkar has suffered rigorous imprisonment in Andaman under the British. There is again a debate on whether Savarkar was a freedom fighter or not? He appealed for clemency when jailed and gave an undertaking not to take part in any struggle. Let it be Gandhi, Nehru, or the other freedom fighters, everyone has contributed to the freedom of this country. Some are worshipped and some are forgotten heroes. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel said a bitter thing in 1948 that the government should take strict action against such radical organisations or the history may repeat itself in future too. Communal and caste factors have been among the politics all along especially more so during elections. Now, the art area is giving more and more place for this among writers and film personalities. The press and other media including the social speakers should better avoid these topics in totality and leave to the politicians who are handling much better since all the parties are trying to satisfy the minorities and religious people.

Now, sometimes I feel that we lack freedom of expression and sometimes looking at the other media channels, it seems to me that we are taking this right for granted. The primary issue in this country is the so-called freedom of expression. In the name of SC/ST atrocities, all sorts of corrupt despotic leaders like, Mayawati, Ram Vilas Paswan etc. have started to teach him a lesson using such an obnoxious clause. Understand how our law maintenance organisations and corrupt legal systems deal with such cases getting illegal gratifications through courts where such cases are dealt. On the contrary, in this information age under the obnoxious clause of OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT, corruption is happily sustained in defense and security establishments away from public glare! We Indians are used to straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. What is the use of discussions and debates if we cannot say what we want to say?

India is suffering from various issues; Mahatma and Nehru might have got the freedom to this country, but they left it in the clutch of dirty political legacy. Mahatma was pleading to demolish the Congress if the country has to live at peace. Our hierocratic ruling party and politicians use these names only for political gains but never implement what he wanted them to do. Extremism is nothing but answers to the atrocities. Why to blame people like Nathuram Godse who could see thousands of innocent killings and separation of such a large country just because of one man’s foolish decision to please his blue-eyed boy.

We, the Indians, are slaves in this Independent country. If this continues, expect the reincarnation of the Goddess.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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