Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeNationWorker from Kolkata beaten to death in TN, another seriously injured

Worker from Kolkata beaten to death in TN, another seriously injured

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A man from Kolkata who was working with a goldsmith was beaten to death and another worker was seriously injured in their room here reportedly by their friend, who is at large.

Milan, hailing from Kolkatta, had brought Ashish and Sameer from there and placed them in a gold smithy some time ago and were staying in a room belonging to the owner Thirunavukkarasu, police said.

Hearing the screams of Ashish, Thirunavukkarasu, residing down stairs, came out and noticed Milan, jumping out of the room and Sameer lying in a pool of blood inside the room, they said.

With the help of neighbours, Thirunavukkarasu took Sameer and Ashish to the Government Hospital, where Sameer was declared brought dead, while Ashish, with serious bleeding injuries, was being treated.

The motive for the attack was not known, police said, adding, a manhunt was on for Milan.

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