Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeEditorialA for Adarsh, B for Bofors......but Modi forgets G for gas

A for Adarsh, B for Bofors……but Modi forgets G for gas

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All the three Prime ministerial candidates were busy in political campaign on Sunday, BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi addressed a rally in Ludhiana. He was showing same attitude with same agenda that is to attack on Congress. Congress’s Rahul Gandhi seems to be maturing with time; he was very much focused, composed and to the point. AAP’s Arvind Kejriwal continued his campaign trail as the race to 7 RCR is gathering steam. While the Gujarat Chief Minister addressed ‘Fateh’ rally in Ludhiana, the Congress Vice President was in Dehradun. Rahul also reviewed reconstruction efforts in Uttarakhand’s flood-hit areas and met ex- servicemen. AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal launched the party’s national campaign for the Lok Sabha elections at a rally in Rohtak in Haryana. This was his first rally after resigning as Delhi’s chief minister. The rise of AAP and their questioning of BJPs policies almost every day has created an impression in the minds of common people that BJP is the party preferred by corrupt corporates like Ambani. Now, some people have started saying that BJP’s rule means another 5 years of Ambani rule. This perception may hit BJP hard in the next elections. Unless BJP does a course correction, it will soon lose the support of common people of this country. BJP’s attempt of blocking the anti-corruption bills in Parliament has further dented the image of the saffron party. Remember, the India Shining campaign (development plank) (completely forgetting Hindutva Plank) which backfired. The same perception that the BJP is hand in gloves with the corporates and works only for them was prevailing at that time also. That’s why, BJP lost the elections. Don’t make the same mistake again because of which BJP had to stay away from power for 10 long years. Kejriwal is a dummy and his party is a total spoiler for others. If he wanted to be an alternative, he should have proved himself when given chance in Delhi. He will end up doing worst due to his impatience rather than doing anything good for the people of this country. Moreover, Modi started his speech A for Adarsh and B for Bofors, but he completely forgot G for gas.

AAP vs Reliance

The gas pricing controversy and Modi’s silence over Ambanis has dragged BJP in bad light. I have read somewhere that the Kejriwal has not questioned Modi, he has asked for his view. The gas was supplied by Ambani at $1 and thereafter it was increased to $4. Now government is planning to increase the gas price to $8 from April 1. Kejriwal questions on the basis of sharp increase, the rate of $1 was on the basis of marginal costing and if we don’t get from Ambani, it has to be imported at $14 from abroad. Thus, he is justified in his stand. Kejriwal’s question was, in an atmosphere of monopoly, why will someone sell on marginal cost, that too Ambani? Is there any connivance? Based on the cost of production, it was priced at $4 last year. How can there be 100 per cent increase in one year? If your logic is based on international rate of $14 then within six months Ambani may peg it at $12. This is an issue where Kejriwal is asking for Modi’s view. And Modi has not given any answer to his question. Constantly, BJP was attacking Kejriwal over various issues and as we know, he is threat to Congress as well as BJP, but they had not converted threat into voting. The mass is with AAP, and somewhere people are fed up with Congress and BJP. BJP has to realise that, it is no longer a walk over. The development plan, media support and paid trolls will never help on the ground. Just hoping that a Modi wave will hide all BJPs shortcomings. BJP has to transform itself as a party of the common man. They should learn from their previous mistakes. If BJP fails to realise then their future is doomed. Anyway, this is high time; BJP needs to change their attack style, as Modi’s monotonous style is not much appealing to common public anymore.

Modi’s ABCD

Hitting out at the Congress over the rising levels of corruption, Modi lambasted the ruling government for saying that the BJP stalled the introduction of anti-graft bills in the Parliament. “Congress leaders are blaming other parties on corruption. I am surprised. ABCD is indicative of Congress’ corruption. A for Adarsh, B for Bofors, C for Coalgate. He also attacked Congress on the issue of the ‘One Rank One Pension’ scheme which has been approved in Parliament in its recently concluded winter session. He said that the Congress has no intentions of implementing the policy and it will be the NDA government which will eventually put the scheme to work. Speaking at his ‘Fateh’ rally, he made a pitch for improving the agriculture industry and proposed to split up the Food Corporation of India to improve efficiencies. He added that farmers, manufacturers and the workers belonging to the service sector are the three pillars to be focused on for the development of the country. Urging the people of the state to vote for the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Modi assured that he will work towards the development of the people when he comes to power.

Morale boosting Rahul

On the other side, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi addressed a rally in Dehradun. He spoke to the point about various issues such as woman empowerment and Uttarakhand. He appealed to people, wherever you hear pain, please go there and help. In politics, there is no place for pride. One must quit pride to help others, to understand the pain of others. He put forward Congress’s vision, which is not short-sighted. He was very much poised while delivering his speech. Anyways, Gandhi family is known for connecting with people. Predicting the future of 2014 elections is bit difficult, but everyone is his best, at this moment.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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