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HomeUncategorizedAl Qaeda revenge! Pakistani who helped track down Bin Laden shot dead

Al Qaeda revenge! Pakistani who helped track down Bin Laden shot dead

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Al-Qaeda-revengeTaliban gunmen have brutally murdered a former Pakistani lawyer who represented the doctor that helped the US track down Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

Former lawyer Samiullah Khan Afridi Lawyer was shot dead yesterday in Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar months after receiving death threats from Taliban.

Senior police officer Shakir Khan confirmed the killing, according to the Mail Online.

The attack took place close to the border with Afghanistan, in the terror outfit’s heartland and just over 100 miles from Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound.

He was killed just months after he announced that he will no longer be representing Dr. Shakil Afridi Afridi.

The doctor was convicted in May 2012 of ‘conspiring against the state’ by giving money and providing medical treatment to militants.

Samiullah Khan Afridi left Pakistan in November after receiving threats from Taliban.

He had recently come back from abroad.

The murder came on the same day as Pakistani officials executed 12 people in the country’s single-largest day of executions since a moratorium on the death penalty was lifted in December, the report said.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif lifted the moratorium on December 17, a day after Pakistani Taliban gunmen attacked a school and killed 134 students and 19 adults.

Human rights groups estimate Pakistan has roughly 8,000 prisoners on death row.

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