Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeEntertainmentHollywoodAngelina Jolie defends herself about exploiting kids for audition allegation

Angelina Jolie defends herself about exploiting kids for audition allegation

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Angelina Jolie has come out in defend for news that broke a couple of days ago that Angelina Jolie adopted an outrageous way to cast kids for her upcoming Netflix Documentary, ‘First they killed my father’ when she gave a statement to a leading online portal saying that they put money on the table and asked the child to think of something she needed the money for, and then to snatch it away. The director would pretend to catch the child, and the child would have to come up with a lie.

Oscar winner clarified to an online portal saying, “every measure was taken to ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of the children on the film starting from the auditions through production to the present” and that the audition “game” was just an improvisation exercise based off a scene in the film.

Jolie said that she is upset as to how a simple audition exercise was twisted and presented out of her statement. Jolie said, “I am upset that a pretend exercise in an improvisation, from an actual scene in the film, has been written about as if it was a real scenario,” she added, “The suggestion that real money was taken from a child during an audition is false and upsetting. I would be outraged myself if this had happened.”

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