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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionDiaryBe careful during this academic season

Be careful during this academic season

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With the academic year for students coming to a close and the aspirants for the medical, engineering and MBA courses gearing up for admission process in the colleges and universities of their choice and hence fall prey to the agents and the other middlemen helping out in the admission process in the metro cities.

Parents have their aims and aspirations for their wards to become in the mainstream colleges and would like to get them in there by hook or crook. Students looking for a bright career fall into the trap laid by the agents and other middlemen. Even the Ministers, MPs, and MLAs try their hand in admission for a big amount expected from such desperate students. In an anxiety to get the best education, the parents with the insistence of their children and prompted by the agents fall in the trap of the so-called middlemen.

Educational goof ups are to happen so as there are people to be deceived in this way. The present government is trying to explore the ways and means to expose the graft cases from the school and college levels and it is time to be rather careful dealing such offers. The students were mesmerised to force for forgery and cheating cases in the build-up to get admission in a good college.  If the whip is cracked then they lose their admission as well and the reputation they had as an intelligent student. In the process, some of them lose the heavy sum of money paid to get these prestigious seats as donations or capitation fees or even as a bribe for the middle man.

From the caste certificate, everything is available for a price and the aspirant missing that required number of marks in CAT or other entrance tests go for a short cut to success. In the name of getting the priced admission, a Brahmin boy is ready to become an OBC and lose the way and trapped red-handed. The person is deprived of his admission after spending so much if the matter comes up in open and a cheating and forgery case is lodged against the person joining the party with the middle man in cheating the educational process. In the process, he loses out the capitation fees or donations or the kickback he paid out of sheer frustration to get into a top gear in his career.

The coccus of middlemen is waiting around to get such hapless students to fall into the trap. It is high time we keep away from the bad elements. In a rush of blood, the wards make the parents also a party to it and compelling them to make huge payments as a bribe and get into the well-laid trap. If you cheat or forge education certificates and documents with regard to your caste or marks, then you will have to face the consequences as well. The matter is not only reported about the forgery and cheating to the concerned university, CM of the State and also PM of the country about the goof up.

As an alternative, the college in which the admission was sought was a force to fine an FIR and the matter is taken up police corridor and the court. Even a jail term is contemplated to such an offence. So, extra money is to be spent as a bribe to get bail or to make the Judge bail out a person. Even the illustrious career is cut short once the caste details come to open and exposed after getting a lucrative job. Chances of going to a foreign country are also deprived.

All educational goof ups carry a lot of risks and the degree obtained in such an illegal way is only a dream of the past and no useful purpose is served. Parents should not go blind as per the wishes of children and they should not become part of these blunders to get the much-needed admission. Apart from monetary loss, the mental tension and so agony so faced will make both the students and parents pay for the indiscretion. Getting out of this meddling is more serious. Missing an admission by few marks and getting a seat in a different college will not matter much than landing behind bars in anxiety to get into the mainstream of education.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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