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HomeEntertainmentHollywoodCaitlyn Jenner: I want to set my 'spirit' free

Caitlyn Jenner: I want to set my ‘spirit’ free

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The 66-year-old television personality admits she finally feels as though she’s at a place where she can do good after being “depressed for so many years”.

In a deleted scene from her reality show ‘I Am Cait’, she explained: “I want my spirit free. It was depressed for so many years and finally at this stage in my life I can actually let my spirit be free.

“And with that, I’ve been able to do a lot of good, much more good than I could do before.”

Meanwhile, when it comes to dating, the former Olympian is keen on finding a “special guy” to share her life with.

She said: “To be honest, if I was in a relationship with a guy, I would enjoy being treated like that. Opening doors for you, doing all what you would think is the traditional stuff in a guy and a girl relationship.”

However, Caitlyn – who was known as Bruce Jenner before undergoing a gender transition – believes she’s too “busy” at the moment to find the right person.

She added: “I know people are always interested in that. Right now, I am just so busy kind of doing what I’m doing. But it would be nice to kind of share your life with somebody. But hey, I’m open.”

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