Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeCity News‘Cashless transactions curbed unnecessary expenses’

‘Cashless transactions curbed unnecessary expenses’

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NCP chief Sharad Pawar said the emphasis on cashless transactions has made them clean and transparent besides lowering the unnecessary expenses in day to day life.

“The push for cashless transactions has brought restrictions on unnecessary expenses in day to day life. Most of the transactions have become transparent and clean,” Pawar said at a function here.

During the event, he conferred the “Yashwantrao Chavan National Award, 2016” on Nandan Nilekani, the former chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

“It is also true that you get a feeling of something is missing when you carry a (debit) card and not the hard cash.

Now a days, a wife tells her husband that no need to carry cash, instead carry a (debit) card,” quipped the Maratha strongman.

“In villages, you still cannot use the card. One must not forget that more and more transactions are becoming electronic in coming days. There will be no sector in the near future, where cashless transactions will not take place,” the former Union Minister added.

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