Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeEditorialChoose merit over reservations

Choose merit over reservations

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[dropcap]C[/dropcap]aste based reservations is the biggest political issue, which has become tool to create ruckus in India. Other Backward Castes (OBC) status is an affirmative action which provides reserved quotas in education and government jobs. In Gujarat, 27% seats are reserved for OBC, 7.5% for Scheduled Castes and 15% for Scheduled Tribes totalling 49.5% of all seats. The Supreme Court has capped the maximum reservation at 50% in 1992 judgement. In 1981, the Government of Gujarat headed by Indian National Congress (INC) Chief Minister Madhavsinh Solanki, introduced reservation for socially and economically backward castes (SEBC) based on recommendations of Bakshi Commission. It resulted in anti-reservation agitation across the state which spilled over in riots, resulting in more than hundred deaths. Solanki resigned in 1985 but later returned to power winning 149 out of 182 assembly seats. He was supported by Kshatriya, Harijan, Adivasi and Muslims; called collectively as KHAM. It resulted in other communities including Patidars losing the political influence which later alienated the INC. The SEBC (later OBC) list initially had 81 communities which expanded to 146 communities by 2014. The agitation took inspiration from the agitation by Gujjar community in Rajasthan which ended in May 2015.

We must appreciate that economically weaker section exists in upper classes too. Agricultural land is being divided and sub-divided among family members. The vendors, who are selling eatable items on the roads, are earning more than these upper class communities. Most of the Brahmins in cities are taxi drivers and security guards. Their income is low and children lack facilities anywhere. Brahmin community is considered as upper class but their condition is pitiable as they find it difficult to provide two square meals to their children. Brahmins are respected by the people without giving any financial assistance to them. Their children also require government jobs. Is it crime to be born in the family of upper classes? Similar is the case with Patels in Gujarat and Marathas in Maharashtra, they are also victims of same reservation system. Reservation is becoming curse day by day. Our politicians are reserving their vote banks in the name of reservation. If the jobs are not offered to meritorious candidates, naturally they will come out and protest. Many more Hardik Patels from every community, religion, states will come out with those people who are denied their right of jobs.

It is in the interest of the people to abolish reservation system and the jobs should be offered only on merit basis irrespective of their castes or religion. If government fails to stop this reservation system, we should expect more riots, bloodshed, division, further sub-division among pubic in the name of castes and religions. Why candidates from upper class should sacrifice for those candidates whose performance is below average? Reservation quota is proving quota of votes for our politicians.

Earlier, the Bombay High Court stayed the erstwhile Maharashtra government’s (Congress-NCP) decision to give 16 per cent reservation to Marathas in public service and educational institutions. The HC also stayed state’s decision to provide 5 per cent reservation to Muslims in public service, but granted them quota in education. After over 69 years of independence we are unable to overcome the reservation policy. Before this announcement Maharashtra had 52 per cent reservations, which had crossed the limit set at 50 per cent by the Supreme Court. With these fresh reservations the total percentage of quotas in the state has gone up to 73 per cent. A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has already been filed, claiming that the Marathas are not poor and backward caste. Marathas are richest people in Maharashtra, but on the other hand, there seems to be no argument against the 5 per cent reservations for Muslims, who most agree have a high population of poor and deprived people. The main controversy erupted over reservations for the Marathas, just to please Maratha vote bank. Marathas are a rich, politically powerful and dominant caste in the state. Most powerful politicians in the state belong to this community. Ten of Maharashtra’s 18 chief ministers have been Marathas including the first CM, Yashwantrao Chavan. Same with Patels in Gujarat, they are considered to be most dominating politicians and also resourceful people. Marathas and Patels are of two extreme types, some are extremely privileged and some are underprivileged and poor.

Since the birth of Maharashtra in 1960, a majority of legislators belong to the Maratha community. The community also controls educational institutions, developmental boards and 168 out of the 200 sugar cooperatives in the state. It is no surprise that people tend to believe it is a rich and powerful community and do not need any reservation. The tragedy of this community is that only 137 Maratha families are the dominant players in the state politics. The disparity is so wide, that the rest of the Maratha community isn’t even half as rich, forget about being powerful. There are 96 clans and most of them are backward and poor. The Kunbis, known as poor tillers, form a large part of this community. The problem within the Marathas is that Maratha politicians have failed their community. They failed to work for the welfare of the community and most of them include the poorest in the mainstream from early on. As a result, Maratha politicians encounter growing bitterness and want to appease their community by announcing reservations in employment and education. The politicians have hurriedly ignored the most pertinent issues. It is clear that the social stratification and economic distress faced by the Marathas engaged in agriculture is unlikely to be meaningfully addressed merely by demanding OBC status for the community. We can’t forget that Maharashtra is primarily an agrarian economy. Many agricultural peasants and small-time farmers have been reduced to labour, among them many clans belong to Marathas. Even Brahmins of Maharashtra are living an average life, but no one thought for granting them reservation.

Political parties are dividing the people on such useless issues. What was the need to declare reservation? Let the new generation come with their own charisma instead of depending upon such tactics! By offering quotas, at one end the government wants to gain cheap popularity but at the same time the candidates, instead of competing goes on easy routes which is not good for them. No government should try to grant such quotas. There has been some limit to populism. Politicians can go to any limits to get the votes for coming to power. Reservation is a magic formula for this purpose. Every class wants reservation as shortcuts and nobody pleads for merit or efficiency, by making it a country of intellectual pygmies.

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Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman
Vaidehi Taman an Accredited Journalist from Maharashtra is bestowed with three Honourary Doctorate in Journalism. Vaidehi has been an active journalist for the past 21 years, and is also the founding editor of an English daily tabloid – Afternoon Voice, a Marathi web portal – Mumbai Manoos, and The Democracy digital video news portal is her brain child. Vaidehi has three books in her name, "Sikhism vs Sickism", "Life Beyond Complications" and "Vedanti". She is an EC Council Certified Ethical Hacker, OSCP offensive securities, Certified Security Analyst and Licensed Penetration Tester that caters to her freelance jobs.
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