Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersGanja in city

Ganja in city

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Drug culture is coming back in colleges and students are becoming addicted towards it. Students are falling into the trap of bad elements and consuming ganja. Youth belonging to high class society are attracted towards such drugs and it is easily available in the open market. Drug peddlers are on the run and they try to canvass maximum students at school and college levels. This is causing ripples among the parents as they send their wards to high class schools and they cultivate such bad habits in the bargain. Regular seizing of drugs through proper check can control drug menace.  It is now or never situation and the state government should make it a point unearth the resource and stop the inflow at the entry point and save students from bad vices.

Anandambal Subbu

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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