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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersGood fortunes do not come overnight

Good fortunes do not come overnight

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As per the United Nations release India ranked 122nd, behind terror-riven Pakistan and poorest-of-poor Nepal in the global list of the happiest countries. This clearly shows that our country is one of the least happiest countries in the world. It is a serious issue for our communities – unhappiness is a breeding ground for social discontent with a resultant vicious cycle of crime, conflict and insecurity. India ranks the lowest among its South Asian neighbours. Pakistan is at the 80th spot, while Bangladesh is at 110 and Nepal at the 99th spot. According to the report, factors that determine happiness include economic variables, social factors and health factors. So we need to talk about happiness. Hard work, honest work and consistent work is the best remedy for millions of poor people in order to enjoy a higher grade of life. Good fortunes do not come overnight in an ever-growing populated country such as India. We need to create strong social foundations, talk about happiness in our families, our schools, our communities, our organisations. India is the country where people are divided by caste and religion. Discrimination is one of the main problem which leads to social unrest. Happiness is increasingly considered the proper measure of social progress and the goal of public policy. Although money is not the only ingredient for happiness, we Indians need support like caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income etc.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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