Saturday, June 1, 2024
HomeOpinionDiaryHow teenage daughter and her interaction with parents have changed: Part I

How teenage daughter and her interaction with parents have changed: Part I

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Teenage daughters’ behaviour and their interactions with parents change once they attain puberty. The manner of behaving or conducting oneself changes from person to person. It is time for the parents to move with teenage daughters in a very tactical way. It is time for the teenage daughters should be able to reciprocate the sentiments of their parents and behave with good manners. More than previous generations, today’s teen girls face a daunting range of stressors that put them at risk for serious issues including self-harming behaviours, substance abuse, eating disorders, anxiety and depression to add to the routine tension of going to college, staying fit and going steady on the study schedule.

Remember that you are the parent and the parent – child relationship should be well and truly maintained. It is time to remain calm in the winds of change that are likely to take place during the teenage growing period. Instead of talking more and confuse the teenager listen more to their problems. In this direction, mother plays a pivotal role to bring out the best in their daughter. Father did make an impact in money matters as the youngster is having lots of aspirations to fulfil. It is time to respect their feelings in the best way possible and as per the situation. Make your expectations clear and see that the results are forthcoming. Catch your child in the act of doing something right instead of finding fault all the time. During the menstrual periods, girl child needs the support of the mother and once touch maturity the guidance by mother prove fruitful in keeping the hygiene and how to move with male friends.

Parenting teen girls is a different proposition for parents as their moods change frequently and the parents will have to adjust and act in a favourable way to satisfy the teenage daughter. Teenage girls face lots of practical problems and it is time to cajole and console them to make them stronger and more matured in their daily life. After all, life is for enjoyment and the girls would like to enjoy the teen just like any other girl. After all the teenage is not going to come back if you cross twenty years of age and the dreams that come through the teen can never be experienced in the life again.

Teen girls fight out their ignorance and try hard to get the much needed to exposure to the modern world of fashion, style and focusing on the career.  Good habits, keeping busy, god fearing and keeping up the schedule come handy in building a successful career. Among the concerns parents have about their teens, the even fleeting thought of suicide ignites a terror so visceral, realistic consideration and inquiry may be hastily abandoned. Teen girls, often pros at hiding their struggles, may leave parents out of the loop regarding the extent of their hopelessness. They keep everything inside their mind and that burst up at times. In a number of cases, the teen cut the veins in hand with a sharp object to show the resentment in life. Continuous brooding and worrying about the concerns in their career all cause upsets anger and at times lack the will to work harder.

(This is the first part of the Diary and the latter part will continue tomorrow.)

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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