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HomeUncategorizedIranian’s ‘will’ unmoved by these ‘firecrackers’: Ayatollah Khamenei

Iranian’s ‘will’ unmoved by these ‘firecrackers’: Ayatollah Khamenei

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tehran, iran, Ayatollah KhameneiReacting to the twin terrorist attacks in Tehran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the Iranian nation and government won’t be cowed by the “firecrackers”.

“These firecrackers will not influence the people’s will,” the Leader told hundreds of students in Tehran.

“All should know this. These are too small to influence the will of nation and authorities.”

While hearing the opinions and viewpoints of university students about scientific and academic topics as well as the country’s political, cultural and economic topics in a three-hour meeting with university students this evening, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a speech described university students as being at the front line of the Islamic establishment’s relentless campaign against the hegemonic order and approving the critical and demanding outlook of students on various issues, described “idealistic view and refusal to lose hope after occasional failures” as complementing this concernedness and highlighting the need for realism and an active contribution by the revolutionary student associations and serious attention for the clarification and prevalence of the Islamic Revolution discourse in universities, said, “The basic pillar of universities is science and the most important duty of a university body is the production of scholars, the production of science and the provision of proper direction to scholars and science.”

Also pointing to Tehran’s terrorist incidents, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed, “Such incidents will not create any dent in the will of the nation and officials and the Iranian nation will mightily continue their movement and push forward.”

At the beginning of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei described the students’ remarks in this meeting as very solemn, powerful, though-out, and high-level and while urging the officials of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Azad University to benefit from these firm opinions, said, “The sum of what was said points to a rise in the reasoning level of university student bodies compared to the early years of the revolution and even previous years and this is exactly what we need.”

The Leader began his comments with an introduction about the keyword “hegemonic order” and added, “The hegemonic order is global bipolarity where one pole of which is occupied by “the dominant” and the other by “the dominated.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to the dichotomies created under the hegemonic order, saying, “The dichotomy of ‘progress and inertia,’ the dichotomy of ‘innovation and emulation,’ the dichotomy of ‘political independence and dependence,’ the dichotomy of ‘self-confidence and passivity’ are dualities that have emerged over the past two or three centuries. The predominant countries, with using precise and scientific planning sought to make this situation eternal and permanent while transferring their ideology, culture and lifestyle.”

Pointing out that some countries found the opportunity for partial liberation in some grounds of domination, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “In such circumstances, the Islamic Revolution breasted hegemonic order and succeeded in fully pulling out Iran from this sinkhole.”

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