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HomeColumnIs doomsday veering around the Earth?

Is doomsday veering around the Earth?

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CoronaViru, china, india, mumbai, virus, disease, china virusWith the novel Coronavirus claiming thousands of lives and still counting, people have started murmuring whether the end of the world is near!

Meanwhile a lot of books on prophecies on the dreaded disease have started doing rounds. Besides that of Nostradamus, two other books passed through my eyes. One is ‘End of Days’ by Sylvia Browne while the second is ‘The Eyes of Darkness’ by Dean Koontz.

In a para Koontz writes, “Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can’t survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute.  This means that it can’t permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can. And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later as soon as the temperature of the affected one drops below eighty-six degrees Farenheit. Do you see the advantage of all this?”

Similarly, the book titled End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World also predicts the global outbreak of Coronavirus. In this Slyvia has thie to say, “a severe pneumonia like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be fact that it will suddenly vanish  as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later and then disappear completely.” The book was first published in 2008.

A photo of excerpts from the two book is going viral across social media platforms and is spooky enough to reach for that box of tissues to wipe your sweat.

Way back in 1555, French preacher Nostradamus predicted that humanity would suffer from a serious illness which would be difficult to destroy. The Coronavirus epidemic has spread through China like wildfire, infecting tens of thousands with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

Nostradamus predicted a strain of the Coronavirus could kill tens of millions of people from the United States and all over the world.

Staunch followers of Nostradamus are claiming that the prophet had indeed predicted the Coronavirus. In this connection, they point to one of his writings, Century 2:53, which warns, “The great plague of the maritime city will not cease until there be avenged the death. Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime.” Although landlocked Wuhan is not a “maritime city,” the disease was traced to a seafood market which they believe is enough to prove a link.

All this started when security personnel checked the temperature of passengers in the Wharf at the Yangtze River on January 22, this year in Wuhan. This is when a new infectious Coronavirus known as “2019-nCoV” was discovered in Wuhan as the number of cases rose to over 400 in mainland China. Health officials stepped up efforts to contain the spread of the pneumonia-like disease which medicals experts confirmed can be passed from human to human. The death toll had reached 17 people as the Wuhan government issued regulations today that residents must wear masks in public places. Cases have been reported in other countries including the United States, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.

Twenty-eight fresh cases have been reported in India in three days, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said today. Seventeen of 23 Italians who landed in Delhi last month, then travelled to Rajasthan have tested positive. One Indian, who was travelling with them, has also tested positive. Twenty-eight fresh cases have been reported in India in three days, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said. Seventeen of 23 Italians who landed in Delhi last month, then traveled to Rajasthan have tested positive. One Indian, who was travelling with them, has also tested positive. Mumbai also has many cases of Coronavirus patients. Experts across Maharashtra too have advised to avoid public gatherings.

Meanwhile, the situation in India is very grim for every second man seems to be frightened on this virus. Today anywhere one goes there is a warning on this deadly disease. There are regular information being given on the railway platforms, regular information is being provided in local trains, mobile phones etc.

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