Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeUncategorizedIt’s legal in Holland! Sex as payment for driving lessons

It’s legal in Holland! Sex as payment for driving lessons

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A new law called ‘Ride for a Ride’ introduced in Holland allows learners to have sex with their driving instructors in case they don’t want pay fee.

Sounds unbelievable, no? But it’s true.

A report in suggests that the new law, introduced by the Dutch government allows driving instructors to accept sex as payment from the students, as long as they are above the age of 18.

For the uninitiated, prostitution is legal in Holland! Prostitutes are treated as self-employed and are made to pay taxes by declaring their income.

However, not everyone in Holland is happy with the new initiative. The new law has drawn criticism too.

The conservative Christian Union Party opposed the move and said that the practice should remain illegal.

The government defended its move. “When a sexual act is offered in lieu of financial payment that is prostitution,” quoted the ministers as saying in a letter.

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