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HomeEntertainmentHollywoodIt's still a man's world in movies, says Barbra Streisand

It’s still a man’s world in movies, says Barbra Streisand

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Barbra, Barbra Streisand

Veteran filmmaker-actor Barbra Streisand believes it is still hard for women directors to survive in Hollywood.

The 76-year-old actor, who made her directorial debut in 1983 with “Yentl” and also won the best director Golden Globe for it, said people in the film industry should let women take the lead more often.

“In the acting world, female directors are having a hard time getting jobs. When I made ‘Yentl’, my first directorial job, it was like, ‘You’re going to direct it? You mean an actress can direct it? Actresses can be fiscally responsible for the budget?’

“In other words, it was difficult. It’s still a man’s world, basically, in movies,” Streisand said during a conversation with Jamie Foxx at Netflix FYSEE event for her special, “Barbra: The Music… the Mem’ries… the Magic”.

Mentioning several films, including “Yentl” and “Up the Sandbox”, in which she plays headstrong women who desire more than they are allowed, the singer said the philosophy to always seek more was with her throughout her career.

“I want everything. Yes, I want a relationship. I want a career. I want children. I want dogs. I want everything. And women today are saying, ‘We want it all. It’s not just a career’,” she added.

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