Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeEntertainmentHollywoodKaley Cuoco slams body shaming trolls

Kaley Cuoco slams body shaming trolls

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Kaley Cuoco gave it back to social media trolls for body shaming her.

“The Big Bang Theory” star shared a video on her Instagram story slamming abusers after some of the users asked her if she was pregnant.

“So, because I’m in traffic I thought I’d take this time to comment on some Instagram trolls. I posted a picture this morning of my sister and I from an event last night and people said I looked pregnant.


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Thank you for always being my perfect date @bricuoco ??

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“Now, would you ever walk up to someone on the street or at an event where they’re obviously dressed up and say, ‘Are you pregnant?’ It’s just so comedic and shocking that people would ask that. I’m not pregnant. I guess it was a pregnant angle. Seriously, shut up,” Cuoco said in the video.

The actor married equestrian Karl Cook in June.

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