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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersLalu Yadav’s privileged stay at AIIMS for political purpose

Lalu Yadav’s privileged stay at AIIMS for political purpose

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It refers to Congress President Rahul Gandhi making a courtesy (or political) call to Lalu Prasad Yadav at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi on April 30, 2018, where RJD Chief was undergoing medical treatment in luxurious private ward despite his undergoing jail-term for the infamous fodder-scam. It was simply coincidental that he was later in the afternoon shifted back to Ranchi Medical College (RMC) with AIIMS doctors giving declaring him fit to travel, despite Lalu Yadav writing AIIMS Chief against shifting from the privileged (but misused) treatment.

Several questions arise on this complete episode. Why Lalu Yadav was given such a specialised treatment at New Delhi which ordinary prisoners do not get. Even if he was privileged to be treated at AIIMS, why a luxurious stay was allowed to him at private ward even though each general ward at AIIMS have an isolated bed in each ward for persons needing security. Why he was allowed to have meetings with visitors especially at a time when he claims to be critically ill?

Lalu Yadav is known for misusing his political face to get such privileges. He was even allowed by the UPA government in the year 2014 extension in a stay at government-bungalow in New Delhi on similar excuses of being ill and her grand-daughter admitted in the school of New Delhi. However later in the same year, NDA government exhibited the courage to get government-bungalow vacated from him. It is a bitter fact that UPA government was notorious for relaxing rules for erring politicians.

Madhu Agrawal

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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