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Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeColumnLet good sense prevail

Let good sense prevail

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Changes and improvements in societies and national affairs can be made by maintaining law and order and discipline. We follow these principles in Merchant Shipping and Defence forces which is a norm in almost all good organizations. Time and again I have laid emphasis that Indian citizen must be subjected to atleast two year national service. If this happens, you will not witness chaotic and anarchist scenes on the streets of Delhi when a guest from an important country arrives here for Republic Day celebrations.

It is better to have Delhi Police under the purview of state government. This step can be taken by passing a resolution in the Delhi Assembly and later following it up in an amicable manner. A limited national service can be prescribed for Central and State Civil service officers and for MLAs and MPs to begin with. If a young leader like Lalit Makan would have led the Congress campaign in the assembly elections, things would have been far better for the party. If the candidature of Dr Harshwardhan would have been announced ab-initio, the BJP could have secured 6-8 seats more. However, there is no point in crying over spilt milk.

It was the decision of the local Congress to support AAP party in government formation. This is inexcusable, considering that Delhi is the national capital and stability must prevail there. Tomorrow they will say that war with a country was started by local unit and the central leadership had no role in it. It is true that corruption is rampant in all arms of governance. Corruption and negligence is visible in our Marine field and authorities seldom pay heed towards it. Whatever incidents are occurring in Delhi is on account of such insensitivity. What will you do when authorities are unwilling to listen to you; you will seek an opportunity to vent your frustrations by hitting the streets.

I am expecting that good sense prevails and, cutting across party lines, saner leaders must come forward to restore order in public life. Total silence from communist parties is note worthy. We must preserve our resources and use them for constructive work.

Our country needs democracy under the guidance of TV anchors, newspaper Editors, retired senior officers and academicians. It is our duty to stand up and speak and not remain a passive spectator in the comforts of our drawing room. The attitude hitherto was that any one advocating a change was branded a trouble maker, which has to change now.

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