Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeOpinionLettersLet us express thanks to our great father

Let us express thanks to our great father

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Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. It is a day that intends to recognize us the struggle and contributions of fathers and the difference they make in children’s lives. One thing is clear that Father’s Day helps children come closer to their father. Really, this day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting in true sense.  Parenting is not an easy task. It is nice to celebrate Father’s Day or a Mother’s Day and make our parents feel important and special. Our actions go a long way in making our children understand about caring and bonding. A father’s contribution in his child’s life is tremendous, and this day seeks to celebrate his presence. The day eulogizes all father figures which includes fathers, grandfathers and forefathers and extol their numerous sacrifices and impart moral values. Our father helped us to develop wings of imagination and he gave us the courage of realizing them in life. We derive our strength and courage from our father. Today, there is a greater awareness of Fathers Day events in our metropolitan cities and bigger towns due to the greater exposure of people to the western cultures.

We all have observed that fathers come in all shapes and sizes but one thing they have in common is a heart big enough to encompass every smile and every tear, joy and fear in their child’s life. I would like to share that father’s Day gives me a chance to express how truly blessed I am to have you as my father. He strives very hard for the family. For the world, he is a man of clean habits and a hard worker. Everyone is aware that all fathers invest themselves completely and ask for nothing in return. The father, a teacher, a preacher, a healer; thousands of roles he plays in our life.

When we give a gift to our parents, they understand the joy in giving. When we feel happy that our parents are happy, they learn the richness of our culture. Fathers set examples for their children by doing hard work and accomplishing big feats, yet know how to keep calm during tough times. It is the unconditional love and support that makes the bond strong. The importance of discipline in life and the resilience to achieve goals are instilled in their children right from the childhood by my father.

I have always heard my father telling me stories about his days when he faced hardship and struggles but never gave up. He told me to have faith in God and work with 100 per cent commitment if I want to be successful in life. Really, I feel, a father’s love for his children knows no bounds and this pure love gives immense strength to the children. There are inherent expectations in the father-son relationship. How much do fathers want their sons to be like or unlike them? Let us remember that Father’s Day is just a way of telling our father that in his time of need, his son and/or daughter will forever be by his side, no matter what. So let us express thanks to our Great Father.

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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