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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: 10 June, 2019

Letters to the Editor: 10 June, 2019

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SSC pass percentage dips

A disappointing 75.53% in Maharashtra and a deploring 74.94% in Mumbai and suburbs is rather unforgettable result percentage and it is an eye opener. The standard of education is going down drastically as the students depend on coaching classes and attend classes in school when they feel like going. In all SSC results brought utter disappointment. It is notable that only few students in Mumbai division and across Maharashtra bag distinction and first class and the State’s Education Ministry should go into the details and find out the reasons for the slump in results and why there is a decline in percentage of passing students.

C.K. Subramaniam


Probe mysterious death of Sharmila Shinde

The mysterious death of an Indian woman Sharmila Shinde in Netherlands needs to be unearthed by the investigative agencies in India as this seems to be a case of murder. The circumstances surrounding the case too sounds suspicious with the disappearing act of the husband after hurriedly coming to India with the kids and dropping them at his parent’s house before leaving to an undisclosed destination.

The reasons which led to murder may be unknown but cops in India should contact authorities in Netherlands with the help of foreign affairs ministry so that the real cause of murder can be ascertained and culprit punished. Love marriages has its own complications and more so when couples choose to live abroad in alien conditions. The Dutch mystery should be solved so that it alerts others in similar circumstances in future.

S.N. Kabra

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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