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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: 13 December, 2019

Letters to the Editor: 13 December, 2019

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letters to the editor, afternoon voice,Challenges for Thackeray

It is the first time that the Shiv Sena has come together with its arch rivals, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and the Congress, relegating the BJP to the opposition. It will have to be seen whether the Sena has indeed moved from its Hindutva worldview, or whether the NCP and Congress have moved to a more majoritarian outlook in practice. However, the voters of Maharashtra did not vote for this particular combination to come in power.

M Hasan 


Rising onion prices

The price of onion has become a serious issue. The price of several other food items such as fruits, milk, pulses and cereals has also increased. The government, therefore, must take steps to check such price rise.

Seraj Ali 


Bank-charges and interest-rates should be uniform for all banks

Many public-sector banks are moving towards merger from April 1, 2020 with Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank already merged with Bank of Baroda. With this mega-merger, system should be formulated whereby all requirements like Minimum Balance, interest-rates, bank-charges and other procedures may be uniform for all public-sector banks. Cover-page of pass-books should incorporate all details including even name of nominees of account-holders as submitted to the banks for convenience of account-holders so that bank-customers may not have to face problem in case of fading memory with lapse of time with account getting older.

Department of Financial Services DFS and Reserve Bank of India RBI should devise common application-forms for all types of accounts to be opened in the banks including also for government savings-schemes and 7.75-percent RBI bonds. Provision may be there that all such forms to be available on websites of all the banks, may be on-line filled on computers and e-mailed to banks like is done in case of application-form for passports. Applicants then can go to banks personally to sign such e-mailed forms and verification of documents. Provision may also be there to download the filled forms and present those to banks physically in case applicant does not favour e-mailing the filled-up form on computer.

All government savings-schemes presently available in post-offices should be available at all branches of various public-sector banks.

Madhu Agrawal


Sena settles vengeance

In the first move to checkmate the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), The Maha Vikas Aghadi government cancelled 400 political appointments, independent directors or non government members made by the Fadnavis government to settle the scores with BJP. The CM has given the approval and it appears rather ridiculous and just vendetta politics. Thus Sena wanted to share the spoils with new allies just to accommodate party supporters and sympathisers and has no face value for a change. By scrapping 400 BJP government appointments, Sena led government wanted to settle their vengeance and it looks somewhat fishy. Instead of just concentrating on development, the CM is trying his hand with unwanted reactions as a new comer to the CM’s chair.

C.K.R. Nathan

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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