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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: 16 December, 2019

Letters to the Editor: 16 December, 2019

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letters to the editor, afternoon voice,Empty canopy looks odd at India Gate

After opening of National War Memorial near India Gate in New Delhi, tourist footfall has tremendously increased in this area. Various governments concentrate too much on erecting statues. But it is indeed shocking and surprising that no government has ever thought of removing the eye-sore in form of empty canopy ever since statue of King George V was removed from here decades ago.

Present Union Government should take an early decision to fill the gap by installing a combined statue of trio freedom-fighters Bhagat Singh-Sukhdev-Rajguru inside the canopy. Alternatively, a statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose can be installed in the canopy whose Azad Hind Fauz was instrumental (and not any non-violent movement) in giving India freedom from Britishers.

Since politically worshipped MK Gandhi never fought a war against British regime in India, it will not be appropriate at all to place his statue inside the canopy now surrounded by National War Memorial.

Subhash Chandra Agrawal


Priced postings of portfolios

After initial hiccups and delayed posting of portfolios a decision has been arrived in Maharashtra state ministry formation. As expected Sena gets Home Ministry, NCP, the much attractive finance ministry and Congress is allotted revenue ministry in the coalition government. It is a matter of adjustment and the coalition is for the convenience. Political parties longing for election funds choose the pricey portfolios to make up money for the next election in the name of heading choicest ministries.

Anandambal Subbu


Time-bound action by Share-Transfer Agents be made compulsory

Work-load of Share-Transfer-Agents has been regularly increasing tremendously ever since Union Ministry of Company Affairs announced compulsory Demat of physical shares of listed companies, apart from opening Demat for even unlisted companies.

It has been noticed that a very large number of mail-articles received daily by these Share-Transfer-Agents has increased considerably to the extent that mail-articles received by these agent-companies are not even opened for several weeks causing hardships to share-holders.

Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) should fix some time-limit wherein these Share-Transfer-Agents may have to give final response to investors having made correspondence with these agents.

Such a system will make new-comers entering as Share-Transfer-Agents thus creating more employment-opportunities. Even existing Share-Transfer-Agents will also have to make fresh recruitments for handling suggested time-bound resolution of their communications.

Madhu Agrawal

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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