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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: 2 August, 2019

Letters to the Editor: 2 August, 2019

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Parliament to go paperless

It is welcome to know that the Hon’ble Speaker of Lok Sabha has provided an option of online papers to be delivered to the members in lieu of physical copies from next session onwards. The decision taken during the Zero hour is a highly appreciable gesture especially towards ensuring paper free environment and encouraging seamless flow of information.

The decision to go paper free is yet made an optional but the same needs to be carried out as a mandatory measure. As most of the members have access to emails and technology, it is high time that both Lok Sabha and \ adopt paper free office environment and implement the same to ensure seamless communication. Lok Sabha Secretariat may also adopt the best practises to encourage paper free environment, from the other parliamentary bodies like the European Union, the United Nations Secretariat and the UN General Assembly which follow a robust paper free documentation system.

Further an effort should be made by the Hon’ble Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs to provide the details of private member bills, bills amended and tabled through a news website regularly. An extensive effort is highly necessary now to reach out to public to disseminate Parliamentary proceedings of regular updates through news portals and leading newspapers.

 Varun Dambal


Sexual crimes on the rise in the city

The news report of a CISF constable molesting an advocate and a 10-yr-old being molested by her badminton coach in BMC sports complex comes as a shock. The cases of rapes and molestations in the city are on the rise which calls for stringent laws and punishment to curb such criminality. Sexual crimes should be made un-bailable offence and such crimes should be tried in special courts for speedier judgements.

Counselling is the need of the hour for people with perturbed mindset. Also, young kids who have faced sexual crimes too needs psychological counselling to come out of the trauma. CCTV cameras at strategic locations across the city would go a long way in reducing sexual crimes in the city.

S.N. Kabra


Triple talaq bill will provide justice to Muslim women

Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done a marvellous job in getting the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2019 known as the triple talaq passed in the Rajya Sabha and has proved that every woman has the right to protection no matter what religion or community she belongs to.  It is indeed a bold and right step to protect the dignity of Muslim women who often get harassed by such instant practices by her wretched husband who marry five different women by just pronouncing the word talaq three times.

Jubel D’Cruz


Legislation also necessary to defend Hindu women victim

Central Government should also pass a legislation defending legitimate rights of victim Hindu wives whose husbands go for second marriage. Even small kids deserted with first wives face unbearable torture at very small age. Irony is that such selfish second wives though themselves being women, fail to realize misery of first such wives. Law should be that it may be an offence that Hindu men may have second marriage with or without consent or objection from their first wives. Any non-Muslim adopting Islam must not be allowed to have a second marriage to prevent symbolically adopting Islam just for having second marriage by a Hindu person. Rather time has come that multi-marriage may not be allowed even by Muslims like system exists in many Islamic countries.

There are cases where husband and second to-be wife symbolically adopted Islam for a day just allowing for a second legal wife for the man. One such couple was caught on websites of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha when the husband gave name of first wife as spouse on Lok Sabha website, while the second wife gave name of the man legally in her life after symbolically adopting Islam for a short period as husband on Rajya Sabha website. Some other such second couples continue to be Muslims but only on record, but practicing Hinduism in real life. This is cheating to both religions. Even National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) should take sue-motto cognizance of the aspect in larger interest of deserted first wives. There should be social boycott of such second couples rather than pouring undesirable love and affection for such immoral and unethical second couples developed after second marriages with first wives alive.

Madhu Agrawal

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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