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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: 21 August, 2019

Letters to the Editor: 21 August, 2019

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Logic of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 10 and 20

It was only after revelation through RTI application that Department of Posts discontinued postal-orders in outdated denominations like rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 because of extremely low sale-figure and high handling cost. According to an RTI response, handling cost of a postal-order was rupees 37.45 to Department of Posts alone in the year 2011-12. Handling cost for clearing-operation of banks is even extra. It is highly illogical that public-exchequer may bear such extra-ordinary loss in handling postal-orders in denominations like rupees 10 and 20. Rather it is time that higher denominations like of rupees 100, 200 and 500 may be added to avoid purchase of demand-drafts in submitting various types of fees.

Government-fees below rupees 50 may either be increased or totally abolished. Or Department of Posts may issue special stamps like there used to be for licences of radio and TV sets for services requiring heavy use of postal-orders in lower denominations of rupees 10 and 20. Beginning can be done with introducing RTI stamps where presently heavy use of postal-orders in denominations rupees 10 is there. RTI stamps can be issued in denominations of rupees 2, 10 and 50. Presently copying-charges under RTI Act in amounts lower than rupees 10 is not feasible because of discontinuance of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 2. Even Central Information Commission (CIC) in its repeated verdicts has recommended issue of RTI stamps. CIC has also taken up the issue of RTI stamps with Department of Post administratively.

Madhu Agrawal


Govt should take steps to bring transgenders in main streamline

It refers to media-reports about just 22 transgenders applying for under-graduate courses combinedly in there universities in Delhi namely Delhi University, Jamia University and Ambedkar University, thus, establishing that much more is desired from Central Government to bring transgenders in main streamline.

Union government should constitute National Transgender Commission. Unrestricted admission to any educational institution (private or public) for free education to transgenders should be made compulsory without needing any reserved quota. Government should be duty-bound to make transgenders join mainstream with parents of new-born transgender child neither allowed nor necessitated to deject their transgender-child to be handed over to isolated society of old eunuchs for begging, dancing or resorting to some anti-social activities. Rather criminal action should be taken against those parents who may disown transgender-child. Eunuchs forcing parents to part away with transgender-children should likewise be arrested and punished with stringent-most framed legal provisions. Nothing can improve till effective measures are taken to make eunuchs come out from their regular profession of dancing and begging. It is to be noted that even some men posing as eunuchs resort to force people for giving them money.

While all other criterion for reservation like cast or religion is man-made, eunuchs are dominated section of society created by nature. It is indeed pity that even the respectable and affording families disown their own eunuch-children. Not only eunuchs should be given priority and reservation in government-jobs, but also private institutions giving employment of eunuchs should be encouraged by providing special subsidy on wages paid to eunuchs by private establishments. Seats should be reserved for eunuchs in legislature and in public-sector jobs.

Subhash Chandra Agrawal


Let us absorb teachings of Lord Krishna in our life

Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm in India in the month of August. According to the Hindu calendar this religious festival is celebrated on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadon.

The actual celebration of Janmashtami takes place at midnight as Lord Krishna is believed to be born on a dark, stormy and windy night to end the rule and violence of his uncle, Kansa. All over India this day is celebrated with devotional songs and dances, pujas, arti, blowing of the conch and rocking the cradle of baby Krishna.  This Janmashtami let us all hail Lord Krishna and absorb his teachings in our life.

Jubel D’Cruz

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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