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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: April 30, 2019

Letters to the Editor: April 30, 2019

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Hearty Congratulations

I have been a Press letter writer for over forty-five years and have got over 3000 letters/write-ups published in several newspapers & magazines. Over the years, from time to time, many newspapers had given due value to ‘Letter Writers.’ But, unfortunately, almost all the newspapers (barring one or two) have trimmed or even vanished the Readers’ page altogether.

Here comes Afternoon Voice. I have been an avid reader and contributor to AV for the last few years and today this is the only newspaper which values the contributions of its readers. Above all, the paper does not publish just for ‘namesake’ by harshly editing it. The “DIARY” column gives ample scope for the readers to express their views and opinions which are published in full.

Of late I have noticed that when a reader writes a piece on a crucial subject or a socially important matter, AV publishes it as a “Special Feature”, thus highlighting the importance of the subject. We, the contributors, take it as an honour and recognition! Regular contributors are also approached for interviews on crucial issues. Above all, this is the only paper in the recent past which has considered its contributors as the “Team or Board Members”.

Hearty Congratulations and best wishes for all success in the years ahead too. May Afternoon Voice grow as the No. 1 newspaper in this city.

S.Krishna Kumar



Hearty Congratulations to Afternoon Voice on its 10th NBC Awards. It is time to congratulate your team of editors, writers, and journalists as their sheer hard work, perseverance, and determination have helped the news daily reach this place.

We hope that the teamwork will see and try to offer an exciting mix of features, plus stories, and that will go a long way engaging writers like me more busy with relentless activities on various subjects including sports and Cinema.

Afternoon Voice — Your Paper Your Voice is ringing in our ears for a long time and we hope in the coming days, we will be able to cross all barriers and come out with flying colours. Good luck Team Afternoon Voice.

C.K. Subramaniam


Be happy, keep smiling

Afternoon Voice is the voice of conscience. It’s informative and participative. The editorials of AV are known for the accuracy of thought and expression and its Editor-in-Chief has been awarded for excellence in journalism so many times.

‘Beyond the News’ is more colourful and carries the class of its own. Important topics, excellent picture quality. I must admit that I need to improve to find a place here. I am not a journalist in a classical sense but you all encouraged me to start writing. I believe in this and will also advise the youth to work with passion, dedication, and perseverance as well as improve your heart, body, and mind.

Mahendra Singh


Best wishes to all

Congratulations to the dedicated team of Afternoon Voice which is an esteemed publishing house on the successful completion of 10 fruitful years in a business where big fishes have failed to survive in today’s digital age. Afternoon Voice – the NBC group mouthpiece may be small in stature but big in content and readers like me look forward to it to start the day on a refreshing note. The group is known for honest reporting swims through tough tides even during Tsunamis because patrons can make out the difference between ‘Fake and Real news’ in a media today which is dominated by screams and shouts.

Special thanks to Vaidehi Taman for her fearless reporting and media ethics which her critics may hate or target her on social media but when the going gets tough, the tough gets going and she is the very best in today’s age of journalism where pen pushers show bias towards political groups but she is a woman of substance who stands tall with her frank and unbiased editorials.

It is my privilege and honour to be associated with the group by sharing my personal views on a platform that believes in facts. Best wishes to all.

S.N. Kabra

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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