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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: February 17, 2019

Letters to the Editor: February 17, 2019

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Gruesome attack

The Pulwama Terror Attack was gruesome even though 70 years have passed after we got our Independence. During these 70 years, several thousands of our innocent soldiers have lost their lives for the country but we are still not able to take any strong action on Pakistan and thus allowing our soldiers to die in the name of peaceful discussions which has failed but instead increased the attacks on our soldiers and also terrorist attacks on innocent people. May the souls of our innocent soldiers who died in the terror attack rest in peace!

Jubel D’Cruz


MPT land should be utilized to strengthen security

Overcrowded Mumbai has a scarcity of land and a roof over one’s head is a luxury for many in a city that is called a ‘Swapna Nagri’ (Dream city). 966 hectares of Mumbai Port Trust (MPT) land hitherto vacant is being released in Mumbai’s new redevelopment plan and preference should be to construct infrastructure and amenities for the men in uniform who guard the city 24×7 which is the reason why we all are safe and at peace in the city. Hardworking Mumbai Police is an exploited lot and time to repay them by giving heavily subsidised housing facilities, education infrastructure and other amenities for which the MPT land can be used to make their lives better and worthy.

Mumbai is a sitting duck for militant attacks and we need to strengthen our security as well as intelligence. Part of MPT land off the ocean on the eastern seaboard should be used to develop high-tech intelligence bureau to intercept any threats to the city and construct a military/navy/air base that can be put to service at times of emergency. The commercial capital of the country is a neglected lot when it comes to security and the available MPT land should be optimally utilized in the best interest of the city!



Strengthen diplomatic channels

The unacceptable brutal terrorist act killing over 40 CRPF Jawans in Jammu and Kashmir may now be seen as ‘the last straw’ to end the acts of global terrorism and everyone will now be anticipating for a stern response by India. The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) headed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister (also includes Ministry of External Affairs) should now act swiftly to deal with an iron fist to put an end to such terrorist attacks.

As also it is known that even the Hon’ble Ministry of External affairs immediately held meetings with the envoys of P5 nations also with a strong urge to stand by India to curb terrorism. As Demarché is already issued, India should now take a quick conscious decision to recall our diplomatic representatives too. Until the matters are resolved, for now, Ministry of External Affairs should cancel all international delegation invitation and visits extended for any summits, meetings, and conferences.

Military operations apart, India should now strengthen its diplomatic channels too on a full throttle mode and issue a high-pitched decibel warning to those nations supporting such terror acts. An appeal should be made to all the countries through a stern diplomatic channel to join in India’s fight against terrorism. All the nations now should also unanimously stand with India and support its strong attempt to pressurize the UN Security Council (UNSC) to curb terrorism. Diplomatic patrons in New Delhi should make efforts to issue identic note* to all the nations to strictly sever its ties with any country that supports terrorism.

Further, necessary amendments should be made to the ‘Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations’ (1961). Under the circumstances that took place recently in India, the amendments should now be made to immediately curtail all the diplomatic courtesies extended.

P.S.*Identic note – An identic note is a letter delivered from a single state to multiple recipient states.

Varun S D



It is heart-breaking to come to know sorrowful news that our country lost about 45 CRPF soldiers in one of the worst terror attacks in the last 20 years in Jammu and Kashmir. A soldier is equal to one thousand common people. This attack let many families remain helpless. It is a cowardly act to take the lives of Jawans who were on duty to provide security for the Nation. They should die with shame that they did such a shameful act that they have been condemned by the whole world. They should not think that this attack will weaken us. We would be stronger after it. India must retaliate against this attack and teach Pakistan such a lesson that they can never dare to touch us again in future and our brave martyrs’ sacrifice does not go in vain.

Muhammad Zaid

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)
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