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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: May 02, 2019

Letters to the Editor: May 02, 2019

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Such officers are needed!

Responsibility is taken by District Collector of Beed (in Maharashtra) as a sincere high-level officer is commendable. He has issued a circular for all government and private hospitals; laying down certain rules to be followed in cases related to the removal of uterus; instructing them to follow them meticulously; else face punishment. It shows his sense of social obligation which is quite rare these days. The valuable instructions given by him are as follows. Points to be noted before taking out uterus: Every lump on the uterus is not malignant and it does not require removal of the uterus. Swelling of the uterus doesn’t lead to cancer. Medicines are available for the same. Even for white or red discharge, removal of the uterus is not imperative since medicine can cure this problem. Ill effects of removing uterus: bones become brittle; fatigue increases; weight increases; accelerates aging; depression; losing interest in physical relations. Electronic and print media need to take note of the efforts made by a district of this State related to women’s issues so that it would be helpful for all women.

Manasi Joshi


Protect children, protect future

Every year on May 1 people from all over the world celebrate Labour Day (or May Day, as it is called in India). The idea is to gain as much from this day as one can for oneself. However, what no one does is think about what this day truly stands for.

There are countless problems which are being faced by our labourers in our society such as poverty, illiteracy, food, and water crises. A vast majority of our labourers and daily-wage workers remain outside the field of labour laws, which means that workers have no paid holidays, no job security, no medical coverage, no pension or provident fund, no limit on working hours and are paid no overtime. In India with all this, there is also an issue of child labour. Child labour in India is growing at a disturbing rate. Hundreds and thousands of children struggle to achieve their basic necessities of life. Children are the future of any country and we should all work to help them become better people. Child labour is a very complex problem with its root in the socio-economic environment of the country. The children suffer from a lack of education and health facilities and better employment.

Jubel D’Cruz


Is EC office working at PM’s behest?

Not sure if the EC (Election Commissioner) is working at his behest but Prime Minister Modi has not come under the EC scanner in spite of numerous poll code violations which is a pity. The office of EC should be neutral and every candidate irrespective of his stature should be treated equally. Air India boarding passes, teacups, and other accessories with Modi’s picture on the eve of polls are a clear violation of the model code of conduct that indicates favouritism. NaMo TV airing PM’s views were unheard before and setting a wrong precedent.

It is common knowledge that the Election Commissioners office, RBI, CBI, and other important institutions independence often get influenced by the government in power due to various reasons which everybody is aware of. The Supreme Court should act as the watchdog by intervening whenever it finds favouritism or sees undue advantage given to individuals or Party as the neutrality of elections should be maintained for the success of any democracy and we are the largest in the world!



PM admits horse-trading possible in present system

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an election rally in West Bengal on April 29, 2019, admitted the weakness of our democratic system when he disclosed that 40 TMC MLAs were in his touch to join BJP in case BJP emerges as the winner in poll-results for Lok Sabha to be announced on May 23, 2019. It means there is no morality left in elected representatives who prefer going with the wind rather than sticking to ideological stands. It was also established from behaviour of such politicians when they immediately switched over to other parties after being denied party-ticket by their parent party. Shifting loyalties is very often in case of government-formation in states with hung-assemblies. All this amounts to fraud with voters.

Horse-trading can only be checked by a system wherein Chief Minister may be simultaneously elected with Speaker and Deputy Speaker through secret and compulsory votes of all MLAs through EVMs equipped with VVPAT on nominations signed by at least 34 per cent MLAs. Such persons may be removed only through no-confidence motion passed in the same manner but with a compulsion to name alternate incumbent in the same motion. MLAs not participating in such elections may lose voting-right in state-assembly though retaining membership. Such a system will also pave way for much talked-about simultaneous elections for Lok Sabha, state-assemblies and even civic bodies because the aspect of hung-assemblies will then be ruled out.

Subhash Chandra Agrawal

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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