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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: May 17, 2019

Letters to the Editor: May 17, 2019

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Priests and staff in temples should also be offered government-salary

It refers to media-reports about Imams and some other staff in mosques in Delhi getting an increased salary from the Delhi government. There is no harm in the step if same provision is made for priests and staff in temples of Hindus and other religions.

It is a bitter reality that priests in most Hindu temples especially the smaller ones inside narrow streets spend life below-poverty-line. It is irony that the devotees usually search for coins of smallest denominations to offer at these small temples. A survey should be made throughout Delhi, and priests and other staff should be paid salaries equivalent to those being given to Imams and other staff of mosques in true secular spirit so that poor priests of temples may also have a better life.

Madhu Agrawal

Mumbai breathes second cleanest air in 2019

 Mumbai city is breathing second cleanest air in 2019. Pollution level dips to a new low as we receive sufficient air to clear the air and to make the city cool to some extent. The clean air news came for the second time and it is time to have greater control over air pollution. We expect that the typical phenomenon during monsoon, when the first showers wash away pollutants and dust suspended close to the earth’s surface. We pray that early monsoon season will bring reduced air distress in Mumbai city.

C.K. Subramaniam

EPFO funds must be safeguarded

Life savings of salaried class may be in danger of becoming extinct as Finance Ministry questions Employees Provident Fund Organisation if it has surplus to pay interest. People’s hard earned money gets deposited in EPFO which should never be given as loans to private groups. EPFO’s exposure to the troubled IL&FS group is an matter of grave concern. Everybody is aware of IL&FS being on the verge of bankruptcy and govt should put their machinery into place to recover whatever EPFO funds give to the defunct group so that salaried class does not get hit much.

EPFO balance sheet must be clean and transparent with investments in government securities that have the government’s guarantee. Also, EPFO interest rates should be reasonable so that the organisation does not need to invest in risky assets where there are chances of defaults. Same holds good for PPF where lakhs of crores of people’s money is lying and extreme caution is needed to safeguard people’s funds which are saved for post-retirement needs!

S.N. Kabra

(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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