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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: Oct 03, 2018

Letters to the Editor: Oct 03, 2018

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1) A massive protest in Delhi

Once again the national capital, Delhi was expected to witness a massive protest march when thousands of farmers tried to enter the capital carrying their demands to the government. Though the government assured to look into their demands, but they are not satisfied with the government’s assurance. This attitude of farmers show that they don’t trust the BJP government and its claims, because they have experienced the government’s false propaganda and meaningless claims several times. Now, it is time, the government should realise that people are losing their faith in it and take a lesson that mere rhetoric and blaming game will not work any more. An action is the need of the hour.

– M.F.U.Tandvi


2) Logic of holidays on Gandhi and Ambedkar Jayanti

“Don’t declare holiday on my death, instead work an extra day if you really love me”, said Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who was People’s President of a country where there are too many political holidays on the birth and death anniversaries of leaders both at the central and the state level including like birth anniversaries of Dr. BR Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. Earlier, the UP government then led by Akhilesh Yadav in the year even declared a holiday on death anniversary of Dr. BR Ambedkar.

Every great leader always called people for hard work. Therefore, the best tribute to great leaders is to declare their birth and death anniversaries as extra work day by increasing office hours by half-an-hour on those special days. Such a bold announcement quoting Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam will not attract political resistance in the name of vote bank politics. The system will automatically stop unholy political demands coming to declare such holidays for birth and death anniversaries of more and more leaders.

– Madhu Agrawal


3) Foil design for Gandhi opposer

There is no denying the fact that Mahatma Gandhi strove throughout his life for the betterment of human society, especially the downtrodden and the friendless. Not a man of empty talk, Gandhi practised what he truly believed in.

This is what makes him relevant even today — not just in India, but across the world. It is, however, sad that frantic efforts are being made by some powerful forces to undermine Gandhian philosophy that advocates dignity of labour, moral values and interfaith amity.

The same forces are busy making heroes out of those who fanatically opposed Gandhi and his ideas during his lifetime.

Those who admire Gandhi must come forward to foil the designs of such forces.

– Divyesh Chovatiya


4) Thanks to PM Modi

It is heartening to see that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered his condolence on the loss of lives in the recent earthquake and tsunami that hit the Sulawesi region of Indonesia. Prime Minister offered all possible assistance from India as a maritime neighbour and as a friend of Indonesia. Really Indonesia is in desperate need of international assistance after a severe blow of nature. So every individual should participate to help Indonesia for redevelopment and inhabitance of Indonesian nation. I appreciate PM Modi for such a step which shows his humanity and kind-heartedness and I thank him to set an example for others to come forward and help the Indonesian nation in such a rough time.

– Mohd Rahmani


5) One question from President Trump

Q: Sanjay, do you think President Trump is making America great again?

A: Honourable American President Donald Trump, Attentive America will become great, the President has tried to make the United States great again with complete devotion. If the work has begun, then it will be completed against the media. Yet the media is part of our society but the truth can never be hidden. People know that there is no mistake in the integrity of presidential position and loyalty.

As a result, many secrets are hidden in the world of media that makes the person nervous. In this regard, it is not in the field of human intelligence. It is essential that in order to make everything, and to make groups great, knowledge of spiritual, worldly and other world is needed which I am giving you and this is the first time in the American history, that the imagination of the American people are born in some place in the form of real Batman. It’s also a way of making the America great again. Thank you!

– Sanjay Nimavat


(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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