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HomeOpinionLettersLetters to the Editor: Oct 16, 2018

Letters to the Editor: Oct 16, 2018

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1) UP govt deserves compliments for restoring name Prayagraj

UP Chief Minister deserves all compliments to break walls of pseudo-secularism by restoring the name of Prayagraj for Allahabad. The Mughal emperors had given such changed names to many cities of historical importance even from Ramayana-era. Yogi Adityanath should order a study of all such changed names in the state and should restore original names to other cities as well.

The study should be made about ‘Kanpur’ distorted from ‘Kanhapur’ and ‘Lucknow’ distorted from ‘Lakshmanpur’. It is a historical fact that Lucknow was established by Lakshman, brother of Lord Rama like even the Pakistan government acknowledging the fact that Lahore was established by Luv, elder son of Lord Rama.

– Madhu Agrawal


2) Nigambodh Ghat needs drastic improvement

Nigambodh Ghat is the most popular cremation-ground in the capital city of Delhi, requiring drastic reforms. Unauthorised encroachments in the form of shops selling items for cremation are set up outside the main gate towards Yamuna Bazar. These shops were removed several years ago subsequent to an RTI application reaching to Central Information Commission. But these were set up again now in increased number with North Delhi Municipal Corporation and Delhi Police taking no action to remove these. All these encroachments should be immediately removed.

Instead, one such 24-hour shop should be opened on the No-Profit-No-Loss basis by the management there to sell all items required for cremation and after-cremation rituals. Mother-Dairy booth should also be opened just outside the gate of cremation ground on Yamuna Bazaar side replacing presently encroached footpath to meet the requirement of milk and curd for after-cremation rituals. This booth will additionally benefit residents of Yamuna Bazar also.

There must be a dress-code with identity disclosed on the uniform for all priests and other staff at the cremation ground to prevent some unauthorised persons looting in name of priests. Rate-charges for priests and other support-staff should be fixed and prominently displayed at various places of the cremation ground. Higher rates for priests and others can be fixed for cremation done at VVIP and VIP platforms. Cremation should be allowed on VVIP and VIP platforms by charging for privileged cremation presently which is free like for cremation on normal pyres.

– Subhash Chandra Agrawal


3) The danger of drunk driving

Drunk driving is a threat to road safety. With more and more cases of drunk driving, safety is missing on the roads of India. Punishment for breaking driving rules is not severe. The penalty levied is like a peanut and the people are ready to pay and get themselves cleared off even after serious traffic offences. No one will agree that all road accidents are due to drunk drivers. A recent report and all the major points mentioned in the report clarified that the majority of the accidents are due to poor infrastructure. We cannot call our roads as roads till the point we use it for the purpose it is built. Road accidents in Indian roads causing alarm bells and the road users feel the danger every now and then. Drunk driving adds to the misery of the road users especially pedestrians.

– Akhilesh Krishnan


4) Coastal road — A gift for Mumbaikars

The much-awaited coastal road plan is a boon. Centre’s nod came at an appropriate time and the CM can plunge into action in this direction and expects to get the much-needed clearance by this month end. It is indeed a dream come true project for the Mumbaikars. Though it is not a new idea, the coastal freeway has received an impetus under the present government in the state of Maharashtra, which feels that the freeway road is desperately needed to improve movement of Mumbai’s traffic. This thinking echoes the recommendations of a technical committee set up by the government whose report, submitted in 2011. It is indeed a gift for the Mumbaikars. The coastal road is proposed to be a freeway along Mumbai’s coastline, from south Mumbai’s Nariman Point to the far western suburb of Kandivali. The 35.6-km link is expected to provide relief to lakhs of commuters who currently take up to three hours to travel the distance in peak-hour traffic. The project is expected to free up the city’s highly-congested roads connecting its western suburbs. The freeway will complement the 17-km Eastern Freeway, which connects south Mumbai to the eastern suburbs.

– Jayanthi Anandambal


5) Maya Jal — A hammer hit for Congress

Congress party is going through a rough phase and could not recover even four years of its fall from the top. The so-called coalition partners always have an edge and dictate terms to the major party in case of an alliance. Now Mayawati is complaining that Congress Party is conspiring to finish off the BSP and some of its leaders are sabotaging the so-called Ghatbandhan. Thus, Mayawati returns to the header and it is a body blow for particularly for Rahul Gandhi’s aspiration to become Prime Minister of India. Now the BSP will be contesting solo in Assembly Elections in MP and Rajasthan and that shattered the hopes of Sonia and her son. It was also categorically revealed that Congress senior leader Digvijaya Singh is the culprit in breaking the alliance. Further, the Congress party was trying to wipe out the BSP by giving it minuscule seats in major states where the BSP was negotiating. It was indeed a divorce before the marriage.

– C.K Subramaniam


6) Rahul must learn to lead

Election after election, the century-old party is losing its identity. While Rahul Gandhi was keen to be an ally of the Mahagathbandhan with only the aim of defeating Narendra Modi, now he aspires to be the Prime Minister, if the allies wish so. He is just daydreaming as there are many efficient, intelligent, and experienced leaders in the gathbandban to lead the nation. Barring his attacks on PM Modi, he is yet to display his connectivity skills. Hence, he should follow the experienced leaders from the regional parties to learn to lead.

– Divyesh Chovatiya


7) Assaulting Journalist is condemnable

It is totally condemnable that a television journalist Herman Gomes along with his friend was allegedly assaulted by a group of unidentified men in South Mumbai. The matter grows more concerning when it is connected to a journalist because a journalist plays a crucial role in the society to serve the nation with new information. It is also condemnable that the Mumbai police allegedly refused to file a complaint initially and delayed registration of FIR in the matter. I request the state government to take against the police officer who disregarded a journalist and should order an immediate investigation against those who are yet to be identified.

– Mohd Rahmani


8) The clarification of Akbar exposes Gandhi

Finally, the clarification of Union Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar over the allegations of sexual misconduct came to light after a long waiting. The statement of Akbar, once again, exposed Rahul Gandhi and his party and shows how shameful conspiracy he is making against BJP’s leaders. The Congress has risen this storm of allegation just a few months before the general elections of 2019 to gain political advantages by these baseless issues and allegations. The Congress should realise that this political game of defaming others will not do good rather it will lead the people to mistrust the Congress itself. I request Rahul Gandhi to stop this shameful game of allegations.

– MF Qasmi


9) Statement of Sambit Patra is shameful

The statement of the BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra is so disgraceful and a kind of blot on democracy. He stepped out saying that Punjab Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu should get himself inducted into Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s Cabinet. This sort of language against a democratic, respected player, politician, and a minister should not be used especially by a national spokesperson of a great national party. Sambit Patra is considered as a respectable dignitary of the country, he should not utter such words which harm his dignity and self-respect. However, Sidhu is the one who always showed his love for the country not only on the playing ground but also in the field of politics as he has been rendering services for the sake of country’s development.

– Mohd Usmani


10) Congratulations to Indian Cricket team

It was so pleasing to watch that Indian Cricket team sealed the series desolating West Indies and registered a massive win over West Indies. The most noteworthy players in this series are obviously Man-of-the-Series Prithvi Shaw, who played incredibly and fearlessly securing a brilliant scored in both the matches and Umesh Yadav, who made an outstanding effort to clinch 10 wicket haul. I extend my heartiest congratulations to all the team and expect that the same spirit will remain in the next series against Australia.

– F.T.Mulla


(The views expressed by the author in the article are his/her own.)

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